chapter 1

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I unzipped my black leather dress and stepped into it with both legs and nudged it up my thighs, and eventually the top meeting my abdomen.It fit tightly snug around my body which I didn't like because it showed my hips and stomach more. I walked to the bathroom to find my makeup bag sitting where I had placed it before. All the contents in the bag were scattered out across the cold granite countertop. I look into the mirror and sigh. I have never been confident about the way I look and my body. Living in New York most people are extremely confident about everything, their look, the fashion, and chasing dreams, but me? Not too much. Actually sometimes I cant even look at the mirror. Well, as a kid, I was bullied, so I went into a small depression and my parents always pressured me to be a lawyer or political official, that obviously wasn't my shit so I moved away from my old life, after graduating high school. My name is Jesy Nelson, if you're wondering, I live in New York City and I sometimes I am just existing. Well, I work long nights at Sherlock's bar in the heart of New York and sometimes I have a shift in the morning as a "coffee girl", I get coffee for people in a boring fucking office. It sucks but it still brings in some money so I cant complain. Im kinda falling behind on a few bills but I manage pretty well I guess.So you could say I have that, "New York City" life. But people see it as this perfect reality, when for me its not. Don't get me wrong I like living in New York, but all I'm saying is that not everyone has a perfect story or a happily ever after.

Tonight I'm going with my friends Avery, Perrie, and Paige to a club in the Time Square area. Paige, Perrie, and Avery are kinda opposite of me to be quite frankly honest. They are all about partying, alcohol, and sex. Well, I cant complain about it because being in your 20's is mostly about that stuff, its normal. But I'm just not exactly in an relationship with anyone, I don't think I ever will be because I'm not pretty, not funny, and not like any of my friends. They tell me I'm pretty all the time, I just don't believe them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2014 ⏰

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