Papers Upon Papers

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Winter, 1945
Vincentown, New Jersey

The Western Union telegram marked 'Killed in Action' arrived on a snowy day in January followed soon after by a gentler notification from the War Department. Then a letter from Johnny's superior officer. Then came the condolences from friends and family. Notes from Johnny's school mates. Clippings from local newspapers. Papers upon papers all saying the same thing like a dirge that wouldn't stop playing in Daisy Julian's brain. But she saved every one in the Shirley Temple scrapbook that she'd kept since she was a little girl.

So sorry for your loss... heartbroken... sincerest condolences... he died a hero... honored to have known the young man...

It was all very simple to Daisy. She didn't demand answers from God like some people did in their grief. She understood the situation at it's root.

Her baby brother had been killed. She hadn't been there to protect him. That was what big brothers and sisters were put on this earth to do. Watch over the little ones, make sure they didn't get into trouble, burn themselves on the stove when mother's back was turned or tumble into the water when they were throwing rocks down at the river bank.

Daisy had once been a good big sister, but in this, she had failed him. Johnny was dead and it was her fault. And there was no one alive who could convince her of this otherwise.

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