“The Scientists are closer than I think. They know my every move, my every thought, my every fear. I don’t even have a clue where to begin looking for them. I feel like the helpless victim.”

“You aren’t helpless, June.”

“I told you about the voices in my head, didn’t I?”

“Yeah,” he mumbled. “I still don’t completely understand that.”

“She was the Scientist who took me, who tried to kill me,” I told him. “She is the one who speaks to me and shows me visions. I just can’t shake the feeling that no matter what I do, it will all be useless. I can’t help feeling like I’m just prolonging my days until I’m captured and then that’s the end.”

His fingers froze. “The end of what?”

“Of me,” I whispered.

He didn’t respond for the longest time. I sat up so I could sneak a peek at his face. It was hard, rigid. He was glaring out into the ocean.

“Parker?” I whispered. He was so tense.

“Do you love me, June?” he asked suddenly, eyes still trained on the ocean.

I blinked, taken aback. “What?”

“Just answer the question. Do you love me?”

I pressed my fingers to his skin, turning his face toward mine. “Yes,” I breathed. His hand clenched into a fist and he appeared truly confused.


I frowned. “Why?” I echoed.

He nodded, eyes searching mine for whatever he was looking for.

“Because you’re—you’re you,” I managed, dropping my hand from his face. “You’re strong, and caring, and protective. You’re smart, funny, handsome . . . And a lifeguard. That’s a major plus.”

A ghost of a smile reached his lips.

“I’ve known you for two months and I know I must be completely insane, because this really feels like a dream right now but, God help me, Parker, somewhere along the way I fell really hard for you.”

“All my life,” he began, “I was looking for something. My mother and father died and Gemini and I were left out on the streets. I thought life was cruel, then. I thought life was cruel and stupid and evil and not worth living. And then Maria and Phil adopted us. Life got better, but something was still missing.”

Tears pricked my eyes. I wasn’t sure why I had been so emotional lately. I concluded it was all Parker’s fault, what with the rollercoaster of emotions he constantly had me on.

“As cheesy as this sounds, June, I think you’re my missing link,” he finished.

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