Jess comes back♡

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Hello! Can you believe we're nearly on 50k half of 100k I'm so happy and I'm litterally so thankful, I love every single one of you and I thank you for making this book work out. I'm happy you enjoy the imagines and 2 part imagines. So today I'd like for you guys to comment if you want a finish off of one of the imagines I have or a part 2. Anyways ly x


I was sitting in my room reading, before Noah jumped on me
"Ouch, what the fuck" I said Laughing, Noah laughed before he stopped
"Ok, can you do me a solid" he asks, I furrow my eyes brows

"Depends what it is." I say, noah nods
"Can I go pick Jess up from the airport and let her stay here for a while" you took a deep breath, even though you feel as though you may have sorted things out, you still really hate her, becuase she's better than you, and now she's staying with you. Any argument me and Noah have or issue he may have he'll go to her instead of me

"Sure. But I'm inviting Kassia then." Noah nodded before getting up excitedly, I bet he's never been excited like that when he's found out I'm coming back home fro travelling
"Not even a kiss?" You said, Noah laughed before running out the door.

"You know when I say. not even a kiss I expect one" you said under your breath, you turn to your side and pick up your phone from you bedside table

You dial your best friends number, Kassia. And call her


"Hey Bitchhh?" Kassia says on the phone, you smiled, she was the only person who could make you happy when you were sad, your calls meant everything to you.

"Hey. Can you come over today" You ask, before sighing

"Of course babes, anything for you" you smiled.

"Ok, well I'll see you in a bit then" you say, before ending the call


You picked up your book and continued reading.


After a while you heard a knock on your bedroom door

"Is it Noah already" you said, you ran up to the door and opened it to see Kassia smiling there.
[she has your house keys btw] She excitedly embraced you before shutting the door and sitting with you on your bed

"So what's the haps" she said holding your hands
"Noah's inviting Jess again. She's staying over, and I hate her. But I can't say no" You said tiredly, to be honest you felt like you couldn't be bothered with Noah anymore. He knows you hate her and that she purposely makes you feel small but he continues to invite her over and over again

"I don't know her but I know she's a bitch, Elisha told me different though. She said that she was really nice and bough you Starbucks" Kassia questioned

"Listen. She may be a nice person but I know she likes Noah. The things she does around him, it's just so annoying." You say rolling your eyes

"Well can I kill her" Kassia said jokingly, you laughed

"I just don't know what to do, kass" she laughed
"You may not, but I do." She said winking
"I bought something for you, close your eyes" she said scarily, you shut your eyes before feeling a plastic feeling on your legs

"Open then now" you opened your eyes and saw some kind of sex trap clothing, actually can I even call it clothing, it covers barely anything

"What do I do with this" You say
"Oh you know bestie. You know." She laughed before pulling out a sexy sleepwear, it was red and it was silk

Noah Centineo Imagines♡حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن