chapter one

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you woke up in your small apartment, as usual. looking over at your alarm clock you realized you had woken up 2 minutes before your alarm clock was supposed to go off. 

well, why not take the extra few minutes of sleep.

you rolled back over and closed your eyes for the few minutes before you had to get up. 

eventually the alarm clock went off and you reluctantly got up. after taking a shower, you got dressed: a solid f/c t-shirt and some black leggings. because you had a few extra minutes you decided to go and get some starbucks because why not!

you worked at a small flower shop just a few blocks from your apartment and starbucks was about halfway between. you grabbed your bag, slung it on your shoulder, and headed out. 

the walk there was fairly peaceful until you were within a few steps of the door of starbucks.

someone was walking out of the coffee shop with an iced coffee in one hand and looking the complete opposite way. you reached out to grab the door and his arm somehow accidentally bent your pinky finger back a little farther than it was supposed to go. 

"ah!" you said as you jerked your hand back to cradle it in your other one. 

"crap! i'm so sorry! are you okay?" asked the man. 

"ow, um, yeah, i think i'm fine," you winced. 

"you don't seem fine..."

"it's okay, really, it happens,"

"can i at least buy you a coffee to make up for it?" he asks. 

your finger continues throbbing. "sure, i guess."

"i'll open the door for you this time." he smiled a little this time. 


you entered the shop, still holding your hand. 

the line was pretty long. great. conversation time. thankfully he didn't seem like that social of a person either.

eventually he looked at you. "should i ask them for some ice for your hand?"

"oh, um, maybe. it really hurts," you replied. crap. now he probably feels guilty.

"i'm so sorry. it really was an accident," he puts his hand up to his face. "i feel so bad..."

"no no, its really okay, it was really my fault. oh, its almost our turn to order." you began to open your bag to find your wallet. 

he started to reach out for your hand, but then remembered the last interaction he had with your hands. 

"no, i said i would pay. to make up for your... um..." 

you smiled, finally noticing how cute he was. "if you're sure."

he nodded. 

"what can i get for you?" asked the barista. the man looked at you. 

"um, i'll have a caramel frappuchino," you said. (you can change this if you want)

"name please?" 

"josh," the man said. 

"okay, josh, that'll be $4.95." josh handed him the money and you both walked towards the waiting section of the starbucks. 

"crap, i forgot your ice, be right back." he walked away before you could stop him. the line had ended behind you guys so he was able to get right back up to the barista. eventually the barista nodded and she went to get a bag of ice for you. 

"here you go sir."


he walked back over to you. "heres the ice..." 

"thanks." you took and and put it on your hand. it was cold. well, of course it was.

"caramel frappuchino?" called a worker. before you could move to grab it, josh got it for you.

"do you want to sit to drink it? oh crap i bet i completely delayed your schedule, i'm so sorry, crap..."

"no, it's okay, i'm barely ever late so one time won't be a problem," you smiled. you chose and table and looked at him expectantly. 

"well, you know my name now i guess. what's yours?" he asked. he seemed nervous. then again, he had seemed nervous during this entire interaction. 

"i'm y/n."


awkward silence. 

"do you know what time it is?" you ask, getting worried about work.

"oh, its around 8:30," he replied after checking his phone.

"shit. work was half an hour ago. i should go," you started to get up, not even halfway done with your drink. you swore you saw his face fall for a second, but you brushed it off.

"can i walk you to work? just to make sure no other people injure your fingers," he finished with a small giggle. oh my god that was adorable.

"yeah. that'd be nice," you smiled.

you exited the shop, eager to learn more about this man called josh.

a/n hey people sorry this probably sucked! i hope you liked it though. i think its kinda cute :)

pinkies ~ josh dun x readerWhere stories live. Discover now