They make the perfect couple (not)

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(Adams) house

Adam: Yessss we got our report cards back today!

Sauli: can't wait to see my amazing grades this year!

Adam: *opens the envelope excitedly* I got 2 A's and 2 B's

Sauli: *nearly taring the whole envelope into shreds* I once again have all A's

Adam: nice...

(Adams phone rings)

Adam: hello?

Tommy: hey... Are we going to do something special again this year to start off our summer vacay?

Adam: I don't see why not, why what do you want to do this summer anyway?...

Sauli: *looks at adam very curiously trying to figure out what he is talking about*

Tommy: you know where I always wanted to go...

Adam: where?

Tommy: Pairs!

Adam: That's a little far don't ya think?...

Tommy: Yea... But why not, it will be awesome come on please

Adam: Alright I'll go with you. When r we going anyway?

Tommy: The sooner the better! *tommy said in a perky voice*

Adam: okay... Bye... Talk to you later.

Tommy: see ya!

(Adam hangs up the phone)

Sauli: So who was that babe.

Adam: It was tommy he want-

Sauli: *stops adam in the middle of his sentence* Why were you talking to him!

Adam: Because he called me! *adam said really annoyed at Sauli*

Sauli: You don't have to get soooo rude all the time!

Adam: Well you don't have to get soooo protective all the time!

Sauli: FINE!!

(Sauli slams Adams door closed and leaves Adam home alone)

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