chapter two

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Day 1:

Vix: today we have me, Freddy, Bonnie, nightmare,foxy, and mangle

Freddy: hi

Bonnie: hello

Nightmare: bye * goes to walk away*

Foxy: hi

Mangle: umm hi

Vix: get back here *drag him back to the group*

Nightmare: fine

Vix: ok today's question
What is are fav colors?

Nightmare: blood

Foxy: red..wait what!

Nightmare: jk I like black

Vix: blue and white ect.

Bonnie: purple,red,yellow mmm yellow

Mangle: bonnie?

Bonnie: what?...oh sorry

Mangle: pink and white

Freddy: brown and black also blue

Vix: ok next question, Freddy this one is for you

Freddy: ok what is it

Vix: first you got to meet someone

Freddy: ok who

Vix: one sec let me text her

Freddy: ok

Vix: *pulls out her phone*
Vix: ok you can come
??: Ok thanks
Vix: when will you arrive
??: Well I am here
Vix: where
??: Front door
Vix: stay there
??: Ok

[Vix gets her and brings her to the group]

Foxy: who are you?

Ravenblood46: am ravenblood46

Freddy: so what do you need?

Ravenblood46: can I have a pineapple pizza

Freddy: should but only if I get a hug

      *Ravenblood46 hugs Freddy but can't get her arms around him*

Ravenblood46: I can't

Freddy: *hugs her and backes up* don't ask

Nightmare: I'm telling everybody* runs to tell them*

Freddy: get back here you little b****

Nightmare: never!

Vix: so

Bonnie: should we help him

Vix and Bonnie: no

Foxy and mangle: weird

Vix,Bonnie,foxy, mangle: crap

Ravenblood46: not to break up your moment but can I ask my other question

Vix: sure

Ravenblood46: do any of you guys know Jack the killer

Vix: i d..

??: Who! talking about my friend

Vix:spring-trap what are you doing here you're not supposed to be here until the next day*0/////0*

Springtrap: sorry but who is talking about my friend

Ravenblood46: it was just a question

Springtrap:ok well by

Vix: well you are here can you answer your question

Springtrap: sure

Vix: how do you feel about genderbend?

Springtrap: I don't really like it it's just weird and humane and it's just weird but people do it anyway so yeah I don't like it others do

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