Chapter 2:The Persuasion

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So there's about a month until school starts but I think my mum is having second thoughts. Oh yeah let me tell you about my family. Well I have an older sister called Both a.k.a Bethany and have a younger brother called Marc. I live with my mum and dad but I also live with my Aunty Brianna who is divorced and has nowhere else to go. But she's the one who always takes me to my appointments. She's really fun and she's like a second mother to me cause my parents are always are on business trips. Anyways as I said there's about a month till school and I think my mum is having second thoughts because she seems so determined for me not to go to school but I think it is good for me to make new friends and my hair has grew back but there are still some bald patches left but I can easily cover it up. I also want to go to school because I lost contact after my last operation so this is a chance to make new friends. We haven't got my school stuff yet but I have a feeling that my dad will persuade my mum because he wants me to go to school for a better education. But I am persuading her and I think she is on the brink of saying yes.

Vanessa a.k.a Mums POV

So Betia wants to go to school but I don't want her to go cause she might not make any friends. And when people find out about her cancer people won't want to be with her cause they might think she is contagious. We are going to an opening day in 2 days so I hope it goes well .

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