"Yes, Potter, Black? What are you two doing inside?" the deputy headmistress asked.

"I had a couple questions for Professor Dumbledore," Edward told her with a smile, "do you know where his office is?"

"I'm afraid the headmaster isn't here," McGonagall told him, frowning. "He received an urgent letter from the Ministry this morning."

Edward froze, but kept his expression calm. Beside him, Topaz's eyes widened.

"What did you want to ask him?" McGonagall asked, and Edward shook himself.

"Well, I was wondering if the History of Magic exam be short skits, instead," Edward replied hesitantly. "That would help students pay attention more, and no one would fall asleep during the exam."

McGonagall looked startled, then pleased. "An excellent idea, Mr. Potter. I'll take it up with Binns. What was your other question?"

"That can probably wait, Professor," Edward told her. "I think this is something only he can answer."

She raised her eyebrows but said nothing.

"Let's find Harry and the others," Edward said to Topaz, keeping his voice calm. "Bye, Professor."

Outside, Topaz yanked him to the wall. "Dumbledore's gone," the boy whispered. "That can only mean-"

"-Professor Quirrell or Professor Snape is going to the trapdoor tonight," Edward finished quietly.

"What are we going to do?" Topaz whispered. "We're first years!"

Edward stared at the opposite wall for a moment. Finally he said, "We'll go to the trapdoor tonight."

"But we're first years!" Topaz repeated.

"You and Hermione are very intelligent, and our friends have other talents as well," Edward told him calmly. "And just in case we can't get through the defenses... I have another idea. Go find the others and tell them to meet me by the Charms classroom. Harry needs to bring his Cloak."

Topaz stared at him a moment longer, then nodded and rushed off.

As soon as he had turned the corner, Edward pulled the paper he'd been working on all year out of his bag. It had been revised several times. But now was the time to figure out which of the two was actually the suspect, and which was innocent.

Finally, he ripped the paper in half, shoved one into his pocket, and looked around. Finally he spotted a familiar first year walking down the hall, chatting with her friends.

"Melissa!" Edward called.

She squealed when she saw him and rushed over. He felt a flash of affection; she was like a little sister.

"Yes?" she asked happily.

Edward lowered his voice as he folded the ripped paper in half. "Would you give this to Professor McGonagall? She might be in her office." They needed a head start, or they'd never get to the forbidden corridor before she caught them.

Melissa nodded seriously, took the paper, and rushed off towards McGonagall's office. Then Edward pulled out a quill and blank sheet of paper.


Headmaster's gone. He is going to the trapdoor tonight; he knows how to get past the dog.

My friends and I may need help to stop him.

-Edward Potter


At nine o'clock, he arrived at the Charms corridor. The hallway looked empty, until Hermione reappeared.

Marauders' Godson Book 1: Sorcerer's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now