A New Life

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After an hour of music and flying through the air we finally arrived in Copenhagen. And It started really weird,when we got in the car my mom noticed that she forgot My lil bro in the Airport at the Playstore. After 10 minutes she came again, and she had my crying lil bro Louis on her arm and he had a toy in his Hand. "This starts good aint it?", i asked laughing and my mom just looked angry at me.  We sat in the taxi car and went to the house where my moms boyfriend Luke lived. When we went out of the car saw a big garden with a big house in it. He showed me my room and it was quite huge. But there Were some letters on the walls. "Luke? What are those letters?", I asked him there Were some drawn pics of A boy who was really good looking. "Oh, before I moved in Here a family lived here. She has a "famous" son or something. These are fanletters.", he said smiling and He went out of the room. I wondered why the boy didn't take the fanmail with him. I read some of Them and there was standing things like we love you Benjamin Lasnier! I Googled his Name, and he was really good looking.

I started to follow him on instagram and stuff. Because I was really tired I went to sleep earlier than I do normally.

The next Morning

"Morning Guys.", I said with a sleepy face. "Good Morning Princess.", my mom said giving me a kiss. "Today we will look for a school for you, I already searched up for a good one in Copenhagen!", Luke said smiling and proud of himself. "I took a nutella bread and said:"Okay then lets go!"

When we arrived so many people Were starring at me. I just tried to dont look at any of them. We went to the headmaster of the School and he said:" Hello! U must be Chrissi. You would like to Be a part of our school?" I said yes and smiled. "Good. I will show you your class, I hope you'll like it."

So we went in the classroom 9B. When the headmaster came in everyone stand up.

"This is your New classmate Chrissi. Be nice to her!", he said and left again.

My only true Love - Benjamin Lasnier FanficWhere stories live. Discover now