The Question?

15 0 0

Elizabeth's POV

The room fills in with silence. Once again.

I was hoping he ask me out because of what just happen.

"Would you go out with-" I cut him of.

"Yes of course" I saw with a gigantic smile on my face.

"So..." he awkwardly says.

"Can I sleep here tonight" I asked.

"Actually im about to take my stuff to my apartment" he says politely

"I can help you" I say

"Yah of course" he says smiling.


He pick up boxes looks like hes triying to impress me but he dosent have to do that. He trips over and one of the boxes fell. I go and get the box while turns as red as it gets.

"Sorry" he apologized.

"Why" I ask

"Making you carry the boxes " he says looking down at the floor.

"Thats why im here to help you nah durr" I say as I giggle.

As we get into the apartment he looks around. Planing were the stuff is going to go. I put down the boxes making a loud noise. As he twist his head to look at me I make eye contact as I see his brown eyes and freeze for a minute or.....two.

Once we get the apartment ready I lay on his bed and get on my phone.

"I see you found your confy spot" he says

"Oh sorry" I say sitting up

"Yes"he says

"Yes what" I question

"You can stay over the night" he says in his sweet voice.

"Oh, thank you" I say laying back in my pillow as he lays down next to me. The clock strikes 12 so I puy my phone down and turn the lamp off as I turn my back to Agustin. He also is ready to go to sleep as what I did.

"Goodnight" he whispers

"Goodnight" I finish


Its moring I wake up but he is still asleep he looks so cute. I brush my teeth, straighten my hair , and put some cute clothes on. I go to the kitchen as soon as he rapidly kisses my cheek I jump a little.

"Good morning baby"he says while pouring a cup of apple juice.

"Good morning , you look happy" I say as he smiles.

"I have a suprise"he says quuckly

As soon as he says that the door bell rings. I open the door. Its my mom? What? . She puts the boxes inside and says good bye.

"What was that" I ask

"You are going to live with me!"he says

"Oh my gosh really" I say while hugging him

He fixes my stuff really neatly and makes the room beatiful.

"Want to catch a movie" he asks

"Which one" I ask

"Um.....The Fault in our stars" he says

"OMG yes" I say

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