Chapter 2

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The next morning i got up and got ready for school then went down stairs for breakfast but i didn't want to stay for breakfast because i really wanted to see Damon. so i grabbed a pancake and and my keys and went to my car. i shoved my pancake in my mouth and started the car. i got to school in no time at all. i hopped out of my car and jogged into school because it was raining, like always but today it was pouring. i was in the lunch room when i smelled them. a growl escaped my lips but only loud enough for me and them to hear. 'what if they are related to Damon'? i stopped growling and went up to them. 'what is that dog doing hear, isn't she suppose to be on the reservation or something'? "nope my parents gave me the option to go here or the reservation" "how'd she- you cant be" she said in disbelief.

i held my hand out to shake there hands but they all flinched. "im not going to hurt you, i just wanted to introduce myself" the one who i think was the oldest took my hand a shook it "im josh". "nice to meet you i'm Makay". "wait, you mean Damon's Makay"? "yes why"? 'the prophosy'! "what prophosy"? "you mean you dont know" the bloond girl asked. "oh sorry my name is Ashland, its an honor to meet you" she bowed "oh umm there is no reason to bow" "sorry your just the most powerful person in the world". "my name is Elsbeth, and this is luke" "nice to meet you" i said. he nodded his head.

"well im guessing you are all related to Damon"? "sort of" Luke said. "oh"? "long story, but we will explain later at our house" Elsbeth said. "if thats okay with you"? Ashland asked. "oh thats fine" i replied. some how i senced Damon before he was in mind or hearing distance. "Damon"! i said excited. 'what were i dont see him....or hear him'? he asked in his head but i knew he forgot that i could hear him.

"i can sence him, he should be here soon" i said. then i got another feeling. i turned to luke and asked "you and Damon are close, you have been through a lot togerth". "yeah, how di- oh yeah, im sorry i forgot". "its okay yu dont need to apollogise" "so i see you met my family". "Damon! i missed you" i said and gave him a kiss. "i missed you too, but im here now" he smiled and kissed my forehead.

the rest of the day went by so fast and after school i went to Damon's house. "so let me get this strait, you all were made by the same vampire and some of you where already related, and and since you where all made by the same vampire you all have this bond"? "ye-" Ashland started to say but my phone cut her off. "sorry i got to take this its my dad, excuse me". i said and answered my phone. "hello"? "Makay its your mother". "dad whats wrng with mom"? "she just got into a really bad accident and she might not make it". "what"? i asked in disbalefe. "okay i will be right there" i said and hung up.

"im sorry but i have to go my mom is in the hospitle". "do you want us to come"? Elsbeth asked. "ummm no thats fine". "are you sure"? she asked again. "yeah im sure". "well im coming for sure". "no you stay here with them". i said to Damon even though i wanted him to come with me and how much it killed me to leave him but he needed to stay here, for now. i knew he was in my head so i kept my thoughts only on my mom. i ran out the door to my car and got it and drove away, well more like sped away.

when i got there i ran inside and some how i knew exactly where to go. my dad was sitting in the waiting room and was crying. "dad" i called and walked over to him. "Makay, your mother, umm is dead". "what? she cant be she is suppose to be here with me help me with myself, she just cant be, dad did you bring your car"? "no i rode in the ambulance, why"? i handed him my keys and ran. i ran down the stairs and outside.

i ran to the woods that was close by so that i could phase without anybody seeing me. when i got there i phased and ran i ran so hard and fast that i could barely see wher i was going. i dont know where i ran to but there was a river there. i phased back, not even caring that i was naked, and jumped in the river. the water made an air bubble around me so that i coould breath.

i stayed there for who knows how long but when i came out of the water i felt better. i phased and started to run to my house. along the way i thought. 'Damon is probably worried and i cant wait to see him'. that thought made me run faster and in no time at all i was at my house. i ran up to myy room and got some clothes on. i was about to leave to go to Damon's house when i senced him so i decided to go up in my room and wait for him.

"Makay, are you home yet"? Damon yelled from yard. "no" i said. he chuckled and jumped up to my window. i opend it and he came in. "im sorry that i told you not to come its just i wanted you to stay with your family" "its okay, and i heard what happend to you mother". he said as he huged me. then all my sadness came rushing to me. i sat in Damon's lap and cryed. Damon comforted me while i cryed. after a while i settled down so Damon asked "where did you go when you left the hospitle"? "i dont know exactly but i went in the woods and followed this feeling i had, you know umm that feeling i got when we where by the river? well anyways when i got to this river i phased back and jumped in and the water made an air bubble sort of thing and i stayed there for i dont know how long".

"you where there for 2 days". "what"? "yeah you where there for 2 days" "well what happened when i was gone"? "nothing exciting, oh that remindes me well your pack is starting to form so i would be prepaired" he said. "do you know where my dad is"? "yeah he's on a buissness trip". "oh, well its getting dark so im just going to go to bed". "okay, see you tomorrow". "wait, will you stay with me please, i dont want to stay here by myself". "sure" he said as i climbed into bed and fell asleep instantly because i havent slept in 2 days and he was right next too me

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