Grace raised an eyebrow at him, but moved towards the nearest classroom.
"Are you sure you just don't want your friends to see us?" She shoved open the door of the empty classroom, throwing her bag down on a table. She sat down on the desk next to it, crossing her arms.

Daniel shut the door behind him, running the fingers of one hand through his hair. His other hand held his bag, the one he'd dropped in his haste to come after her.

"Grace, it's not like that."

Part of her wanted to tell him to stop saying her name, but she knew that was stupid.

"Then what's it like, Daniel?"

Daniel sighed, moving his hand from his hair to his face and rubbing it harshly.

"The thing the other day wasn't about you, I swear."

Grace scoffed. "Sure felt like it was about me, considering you treated me like shit. I had to freaking escort myself out."

"My brother just got broken up with, that's why he came home. I just didn't want to rub it in his face."

She gave me an incredulous look. "Rub what in his face?"

Daniel titled his head at her, managing to look even more like a puppy than usual. "Us."

Grace rolled her eyes. "Whatever, you were a dick."

He stepped towards her. "I know, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to hear that."

She glared at him. "Oh, so it's fine to say it as long as I don't hear it?"

"You know I didn't mean that."

Grace shrugged. "Whatever."

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Grace."

She tightened her arms against her chest. "You didn't hurt me" she said, feeling more and more like a petulant child.

Daniel looked at her for a long moment, and she felt like she was being examined. "Okay. But I didn't meant to. I don't want to ever hurt you."

She rolled her eyes again in response. Really rocking the annoyed toddler vibe.

"Whatever. I just thought you acted like a douchebag, that's all."

"I was a douchebag, and I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

He made to speak, but she cut him off. "You know this is actually a good thing, I didn't want you going around thinking we were a couple or something."

Daniel titled his head at her again, and her heart thumped stupidly in her chest in response. Damn him.

He stepped forwards towards her, and she did her best not to react. His apparent distaste of personal boundaries was really making it hard for her, though. He reached out, taking a strand of hair that had fallen in her face between his fingers.

"C'mon, Grace" he said softly, tucking the lock of hair behind her ear. "You know that's a lie. You're not nobody to me, and I'm not nobody to you."

She meant to shrug and brush him off, but instead she just stared at him like an idiot.

He leant in, and for a second she thought they were going to have their first kiss in an empty classroom after she'd called him a douchebag about twelve times. But he just cradled one side of her face in his hand and kissed her other cheek before pulling away.

"We okay, Gracie?"

She locked eyes with him, a surge of warmth spreading through her at the nickname. Her shoulders relaxed, and she gave in.

"Yeah, we're okay."

He grinned at her, and she couldn't help but smile back.

"What are you doing this weekend?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. Nothing."

He smirked, reaching out to rub his thumb across her cheek. "Guess we've got a second date then."

She tried to shift away from his touch, a giggle bursting out of her without her consent. "Maybe. If I feel like it."

He rolled his eyes, still grinning. "Yeah, yeah. I'll text you."

"I might answer."

Daniel laughed, taking a step backwards and picking up his bag. "Do you need a lift home?"

Grace shook her head. "No, I'm good. I need to refill the paper stands."

He nodded. "You want help?"

She giggled. "No, go home. I'll talk to you later."

He slung his bag over his shoulder, walking towards her again. He leant in, kissing her cheek again, and she resisted the urge to grab his face and kiss him. Now was not the right time.

"Bye, Gracie."

"Bye, Donald."

He scoffed, turning around and walking out the door.

She sighed, thinking it was probably time she talked to Megan.

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