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Soulmates was one of the oddest occurrences to happen on the planet earth. Being even stranger to the likes of humans stepping foot on another planet in their solar system. Odder than cryptids, like the Chupacabra or Mothman. Odder than superpowers forming and normalizing among society.

Soulmates was a concept that had occurred long before this story takes place. No one alive in this point of time had witnessed the first two soulmates. But as time progressed, people became to understand how the system works. When you exchange your first couple of words with your soulmate, a crown of symbols appears over your head. The symbols represent something about you. The crown doesn't last forever though. As the time passes by when two lovers are with one another, the crown starts to fade. But nine times out of ten the partner's love for each other burns on, even without the crown.

In the number one high school in Japan, UA Academy. A young boy named Denki Kaminari is bitter about soulmates. "It's not fair!" The boy with mustard colored hair expressed.

"Uh huh." The raven hair boy replied.

"Like this system works well for everyone except me! Everyone has met their soulmate except for me."


"Sero, are you even listening?"

"Yep." Sero casually replied. When he looks up with his phone he was met by a death glare from the young hero before him. "Listen man." Sero started, "You've gone on and on about this soulmate thing. Like i've said before, these things take time! not everyone is as lucky as Bakugou and Kirishima or—"

"You and San." Kaminari raised a brow.

Sero shook his head and sighed. "It took me a while to find my soulmate. Plus we've only been together for two months."

"You still found him though."

Sero was so sick of this. He loved Kaminari to death, but he was tired of seeing his best friend so caught up in soulmates.
Seeing Kaminari this lonely and down physically hurt the raven haired male.

"Just go out, meet new people. I'm sure you're bound to meet them sooner or later.

"Oh yeah." Kaminari started getting out of his computer chair, "i'm so sure that when i open this door, my soulmate will he standing—" Kaminari froze.

"Oh." A young boy with brown hair started, "I was just about to knock. I'm a new student here. I deadass just got here like three hours ago. Eraser head, no what was his real name? Oh Aizawa! Told me to bunk with someone for a couple of nights while my dorm room is being put together. I'm Miles by the way! I don't know if I h—"

It felt like time had froze. Kaminari had just stood there, mouth wide open. He barely took in any information that was being spoken to him by the boy rambling in front of him.

"Uh?" Miles had stopped talking after an apology for speaking too much. But now he only stood at the doorway, feeling slightly awkward.

"Hey Shocky." Sero spoke up, "Might want to close your mouth."

Kaminari blinked for a moment, and then yelled back as young hero cellophane. Sero chuckled, getting up from the bed and heading towards the door. "I'll leave you two lovebirds alone."

Kaminari thought about yelling again at the boy, but he decided against it when reality had finally hit him. In those couple of minutes, Denki had failed to acknowledge the pink heart crown that now hovered slightly above the brown haired boys head.

He had also missed that he had his soulmate crown as well."

"Cute lighting bolts." Mile spoke.


𝙁𝙊𝙉𝘿𝙉𝙀𝙎𝙎     DENKI KAMINARIWhere stories live. Discover now