Chapter 5 - Who Got Hurt?

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Last night, the beautiful 'Honey-Eyed Man' asked me to go home, and I was going to say no, but didn't. I didn't say no, and as much as I want to blame my failing marriage, or my cheating jackass-of-a husband, I couldn't. I wanted it. I wanted to sleep with that Man, because he was sweet, he was kind but rough when I wanted. He made sure I was safe, and it made me sick to think that I could have hurt him.

Then again, being with me, would be even worse for him. I'm a hurricane, and that, that fact was on me.

Just as I felt the tears pool and my self-esteem plummet, I remembered something. A week ago, I had made an appointment with a lawyer, for today at 11am. Running out of the shower, I dressed quickly and informed Finn of the prior commitment I had made, so he quickly dressed and was following me as we left the hotel room.

An $18 dollar cab ride later, we were downtown and arriving at the large skyscraper that held the law office I was in contact with. The lobby was one of modern architecture and stunning, clean marble. We boarded the stainless-steel elevator with several people, all going to different areas in the massive office building. Flying up floor after floor was making me dizzy, as many Manhattan elevators do, due to their speed and height.

Arriving at the 58th floor, I walked towards the busy-looking, yet stunning beauty of a receptionist. She was seated at a light brown, walnut-looking desk that displayed the name of the firm.

Beckett Sloan Marx

BSM, has made a name of itself in Manhattan, and even amongst the 'glitterati'. Celebrity clients aren't anything new for big law firms, but BSM, must have twice as many as all other firms, given their reputation as cutthroat.

I liked the idea of ruthless lawyer willing to do anything to help me achieve my goals. I wanted out of my marriage, with my money, and with the fashion house I had personally funded for my Husband. If I was going to be yet-another Hollywood Divorceé, it was going to be as a savage one

"Hi, I have a 11 O'clock appointment with Anthony Beckett." I spoke to the friendly looking receptionist.

"Yes, there has been a slight change if you don't mind. Mr. Beckett has actually referred you to another name-partner at the firm. You'll be seeing Mr. Marx, as he specializes in your type of case." She explained, before standing from her desk and coming around it.

"I don't mind at all, where is his office?" I ask, before she tells us that she will take us there. For a law office, it seems like a very modern and efficient place.

On our walk to Mr. Marx's office, the receptionist, Kelly had properly introduced us. She settled us into the office, and informed me that Mr. Marx would be along in a few minutes as he was dealing with an emergency in the next room.

It wasn't a particularly long time, but during it, I looked around the Man's office from my seat. His desk was clean of clutter, had a MacBook set up, yet closed. One picture frame, and a few knickknacks to make it look less plain. Finn wasn't much for making conversation as he typed away on his phone. As my assistant, I assumed he was handling things for me, so I continued to look around.

The office was beautiful, a corner space with two walls of complete glass with shades that could come down. One wall was complete with shelves that held law books, as well as a few pieces of decor. There was a leather couch, two club chairs and a coffee table. He had a bar cart filled with what I assumed to be bourbon, scotch, vodka and mixing tools. As, I was getting bored of looking around, I heard the glass door to the office open and Mr. Marx walk in.

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