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The trio sat at the cafe, plotting a way to cope with such heartbreak.

Depression was definitely not an answer, it should never be. They knew they had to love themselves and not let fake love get in the way of bettering themselves.

They could start going to gym to build better bodies, but the boys already had beautiful bodies anyone would want. There was no need.

"Oh!" Jimin piped, " What if...we get fake boyfriends!"

"That's fucking crazy." Jin said, "Besides, where would we get three good looking guys from?"

As if on cue, three boys walked into the cafe. All had nice style, a warming aura, and were beautiful to the bone.

"Them!" Jimin whisper yelled to the other two.

"I don't know..." Jungkook hesitated "What if they don't want to be our boyfriends?"

"Don't be so modest! I'm sure if we ask nicely, they'll do us a tiny favor until we get 'them' back."

"I miss him already..." Jungkook pouted.

"I know, Jungkook. They were obviously drunk." Jin informed, feeling bad for their situation.

"How do you know?" Jimin pondered.

"I saw beer cans everywhere and it smelled like beer too. They probably just got horny and went to the club to get girls. You can't blame them, they weren't in their right state of mind." Jin said.

"What do you mean 'can't blame them'?! They cheated for goodness sake!" Jimin yelled, getting looks from other customers.

"Yes, I'm sure that's crystal clear now. But you still can't get mad. We're all bisexual, they still have lust for girls too, you know." The eldest responded.

"So what? That doesn't give them the right to cheat on us!" Jungkook yells.


"One two three, GAYS!" They all yelled in unison as the raised their hands.

The trio got up from their seat and headed to the table the other guys were sitting at.

"Hello, nice seeing you here." Jungkook winked at a certain boy that kinda looked like him. "I'm Jungkook."

"Yugyeom..." The boy trailed.

"This tall man here is Jin, and this tiny elf is Jimin." Jungkook pointed to his friends.

"Hey! I'm not small you giant freak!" Jimin yelled at his best friend.

"He's feisty, I like him." Another boy commented. "I'm Jaebum."

Jin looked at the last boy, and the last boy looked at him. "Jackson." The boy informed.

"Okay now that we're all introduced, we kinda need a favor..." Jungkook trailed.

"And that is...?" Yugyeom asked.

"We need you all to be our boyfriends- but only until we get our old ones back!" Jimin rushed.

"Sure. Any rules?" Jackson asked.

"Well you'll need to take pictures with us on social media so our ex's can see. Also, we might need to all go out together if possible, like- to go shopping or to a restaurant, we might run into them." Jin chirped.

"Are we allowed to be touchy?" Jaebum asked.

"Yes." Jimin simply answered.

"Great! So when do we get started?" Jackson asked.

"Right now!" The trio yelled, took their new men, and dragged them out of the cafe.


"Do you think this thong would fit?" Jimin asked, holding up the item of clothing.

"Oh honey, noooo. It'll dig into your ass and give you baboon's butt." Jin said in disapproval.

"Yeah you're right." Jaebum said, agreeing with Jin.

While the other two were looking at thongs, Jungkook found the panty section. His eyes sparkled when they landed on a pair. The panty had a black outline with a little pink bow in the middle.

"You like them?" A voice asked.

Jungkook turned around to see Yugyeom standing a few feet away.

"Yeah, actually." Jungkook looked down, a bit embarrassed that he didn't have the money to buy it.

"How much is it?" Yugyeom asked as he walked closer to see the tag. "$40? That's a bit much for just one pair." He giggled.

"Yeah...maybe I'll just find cheaper one's...." Jungkook frowned.

"No no, I can get these for you if you want." Yugyeom offered.

"Really?!" Jungkook gasped. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Jungkook grabbed the pair and hooked his arms with Yugyeom, heading into another section of the store.

Little did they know who was watching them...Just kidding, they totally knew Taehyung was across the store buying some banana milk. Yes this store had everything.

Jungkook heard his name being called, along with rushed footsteps. He turned around and saw Taehyung standing before him.

"Yes?" Jungkook asked in a fake sweet tone.

"Who was that guy you were with earlier?" Taehyung asked.

"My boyfriend." Jungkook answered without a care.

"You're cheating on me?!" Taehyung yelled.

"Correction," a voice interrupted, "You cheated on him." Yugyeom walked back to Jungkook and put his arm around his waist.

"W-What do you mean?" Taehyung's voice wavered. "Jungkook, what does he mean!"

"Oh, I don't know. Why don't you ask that slut you were banging last night?" Jungkook looked at him furiously.

"What..." Taehyung murmured, confused.

"That's right-" another voice interrupted, "We know. Please do tell Namjoon he can shove that girl's foot up his ass." Jin continued.

Taehyung was hella confused and looked down at the panties in Jungkook's hand. "T-Those would l-look good o-on you..."

"I know." Jungkook smiled sheepishly. "I thought I'd might try them on for Yugyeom tonight."

Yugyeom. Taehyung thought his face was familiar, but he couldn't tell from where at the moment.

"Now will you excuse us, we have to pay and leave." Jungkook said and bumped shoulders with Taehyung.

Taehyung was left there confused, not missing the familiar smirk on Yugyeoms face. He wanted to run after Jungkook and ask him what's going on, but he knew he had to figure out what Jungkook meant by 'cheating on him'.



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