*Six-Hotel For Two*

Start from the beginning

My eyes widen and a huge smile crosses my face as I scan the room. I didn't think that we were going to stay in a suite. Especially one this nice. The large tv is settled on the wall with luxurious couches surrounding it. I gasp when I see an elegant piano placed in the corner of the room and I drop my bag onto the floor. I rush over into the bedroom and take in the tall ceiling and large bed. The bathroom is bigger than my whole room at home and I admire the royal look to the whole place. I hear Harry's voice bouce off the walls and I can't help, but notice the tone in his voice is harsh.

"One bedroom suite? Seriously? Where the hell is she suppose to sleep." He spits into his phone and I realize that there is only one room. It's not too bad though, I'll just sleep on the couch. They look pretty comfy.

I can hear another voice on the end, and my guess is that it's Mr. Styles. Harry begins to yell into the phone again and I place my hand on his shoulder to stop him from screaming at his father. He looks at me with bewilderment and steps away from my hand.

"Stop yelling at your dad. I'll sleep on the couch." I point to the large sofa's set up and he gives me a challenging face before cutting off Mr. Style's voice. Silence fills the room and he lets out a breath before rushing to the bedroom and closing the door behind him. I ignore his rudeness and instead focus on the beautiful view outside. The large windows allow me to see almost all of New York. The sun is setting and all of the bright lights are turned on, ready to shine through the night. So many people have Christmas decorations set up. I find myself wishing I never came on this trip, especially during the holidays. It's a time to spend with people you love, not people that ignore you and treat you like nothing.

Just as I began to get more upset, the bedroom door opened back up. I watched Harry step out of his room with a new change of clothes on. His white baggy shirt is hung low, revealing his inked chest and I can't help, but feel attracted to his appearance, regardless of his mean attitude. His black jeans semmed tighter and I can clearly hear his black boots click all the way to the kitchen behind the living room, I'm standing in.

He keeps his eyes locked on the small screen of his phone as he opens a cabinet door and grabs a cup as if he's been here before and knows exactly where everything is. He fills it up with water fromthe sink and gulps it down, still studying his phone. It begins to ring a few moments later and he looks up to me. I notice my staring and quickly glance down at my feet as he answers his call.

"Yeah, I'm heading out right now." He mutters and I hear his dish settle on the counter. Heading out? Where's he going?

"Where are you going?" I ask before I can stop myself. He pushes his phone down in his pocket and narrows his eyes on me. I study his face and wait for him to answer my question, but he only rolls his eyes and heads towards the door. My body jumps when he slams it shut and I'm left alone in the gigantic suite that I can't even enjoy because of Harry. I'm really upset that he is so mean to me. I wish that he would just be nice to me and we could get along, so that we can actually make these two weeks fun.

I fix my hair in the mirror and clean the smeared makeup under my eye. I know I shouldn't go out on the streets on New York by myself, but Harry has been gone for three hours and I don't think that he will be coming back anytime soon. Even if he did come back, I doubt he would even acknowledge me anyway. I don't even see the point in me being here. Mr. Styles has all these things for us to do, but I don't think that Harry is even going to want to do them with me.

I change into one of my dark floral dresses that I love so much and slip on my black pantyhose and stockings over that. I know it's cold outside and with my legs covered up, I should be fine. I grab my warmest jacket and slip it over my dress. By the time I get down the lobby, it is completely dark outside. Many people are crowding the sidewalks when I step outside. One person shoves my side and I'm glad that I decided not to bring a purse. I secure my phone and small amount of money I placed in my jacket pockets. I make the decision to check out Times Square. I really don't want to pay for another taxi, but I know I really shouldn't walk alone.

After finally getting a taxi and making my way to Times Square, I was amazed by the tall buildings and huge signs everywhere. It's upsetting that I don't really have anyone to share this moment with. I start to wonder where Harry is and I almost wish that he was here with me, even though he isn't the best company. I just don't really want to be completely alone in such a big city.

The wind whips my hair around repeatedly and I end up pulling it into a low ponytail. A book store catches my eye and I make my way inside, mostly because I'm too cold to stand outside anymore. Thousands of books stack the walls and I'm surprised by how many books there are. I walk through the isles, scoping the one's that most look interesting.

"Looking for anything?" A voice brings my attention out of a dark book that I was looking through. I look to where the voice was coming from and notice a man standing only a few feet away, talking to me. His blonde hair is positioned perfectly and his water blue eyes don't fail to make my knees weak. He looks around my age and I feel the book almost fall from my hands, but with my fast reflex, I catch it in time. He lets out a small laugh and I position the book back to it's original spot.

"No, I was just looking." I find my words just as my hands slip into my pockets. I notice the name tag on his shirt, and I focus my site on his name, Niall.

He seems to recognize my studying face because he looks down to his tag. "It's Niall." He states.

"I'm Olivia." I smile and he returns one.

"Where are you from?" He takes a step closer to me. I begin to tell him that I'm from California and he informs me that he works in the Library. I'm happy that he is so nice and welcoming. The complete opposite of Harry, actually. We talk for a while and Harry manages to come up in the conversation. I tell him about and how I'm basically on my own for two week, unless Harry decides to change his hatred towards me.

"Why don't you just get on a plane and go back home?" Niall asks as he walks back over to the table we found to sit at. He sets down a hot chocolate that he got from the back and sits down next to me. I thank him before bringing the warm liquid to my mouth.

"My dad. I have to do it for him. I don't want to get him fired, you know?" I shrug and he nods his head, understanding. We end up talking for a while, until all of our drinks are gone. Niall settles on showing me around Times Square and all the cool places I should check out for the two weeks I'm here. At first, I denied his offer, but he didn't take no as an answer. We get up form our chairs and throw away our cups. He said his goodbyes' to his co-workers and we set off into the New York streets. Hopefully, I can get a little fun out of this trip.

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