"Well, I'm happy you're back either way!" Diane exclaimed, smiling broadly at me. Her wounds seemed to have healed much quicker than they normally did- as she only had a few scrapes and cuts, contrasting to her life-threatening wounds from before. Weird.

"Yes, it is very nice to see you back to your normal self," smiled a familiar voice. Everyone swiveled toward it at the same time, finding Guila standing next to Gowther and Zeal, smiling at me. She had her sword point buried slightly in the ground, standing upright in front of her, her hands folded poignantly atop of the handle.

"Wow, Guila, you're back," I said quite obviously.

"Are you okay now?" Diane asked, now looking at her.

"What happened? Why aren't you a monster?" King questioned skeptically.

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine," she smiled, "Honestly, I'm not sure- all I know is that Gowther saved me."

"Oh, cool," I grinned, throwing a thumbs up and a wink her way. "Glad to have you back!"

"We've got to have a plan!" Huffed Diane, puffing out her chest proudly, as though she were trying to seem official, as she stood up to her full height. "We have to go back and save the captain and Elizabeth right away!"

"Hold up, Meli left?" I asked, resulting in a nod from King. I sighed, mumbling to myself, "That guy never fucking learns..."

"Ban and I'll go through the kingdom and finish up the New Generations- then we'll meet up afterward!" King spoke proudly, mimicking Diane's tone as he smiled up at her.

"Cool!" Diane exclaimed as my expression darkened. Unable to stop myself, my eyes flickered over, seeing the crimson-eyed, blue-haired asshole, who was standing nonchalantly near King, holding his weapon around his neck. Why did I look? I couldn't help it, that's why... idiot... I stared at the ground, my fists clenching so hard deep wounds opened from the pressure of my nails, dripping blood onto the rubble, but quickly healing. I growled to myself, then stormed over to Diane, finding myself unable to walk any other way.

"I'm coming with you," I said through gritted teeth, unable to conceal the anger rising in my throat. I could hear the hesitation in her voice as she spoke.

"Oh... kay... Le-lets do this!"

With that, we all separated. The Fox Sin (I refuse to utter his foul name) and King went off into the city, destroying the monsters, but still somehow saving the New Generation Knights. It seemed the ones in encountered earlier were just the unlucky ones of the bunch- seeing as they had died particularly painful deaths, which were not fast at all. Diane, Gowther, Guila, and I all headed in the direction Hawk went, following the trail of Meli's magical power, which was coming dangerously close to that of Hendrickson's. I vaguely sensed a familiar power near them- possible a Holy Knight, maybe Griamore. Dreyfus was nearby also, but as we ran through the city, he simply vanished, disappearing completely and unable to be seen again. Ellie's magical signature was growing fainter- and my stomach churned with the thought of what could be happening. Several strong powers centered around one area- one of which were fading, and two smaller ones were as well. I didn't know what was happening.

And I didn't like it.

"Diane. Diane I think something's happening. Let me got ahead," I spoke, biting my lip. A fluctuation of power- and not the good kind- coming from the large, insanely tall rock that the castle was on top of.

"I sense it too..." she mumbled, then glanced down at me on her shoulder. "But... are you sure you're okay to be fighting? That Ban thing... really seemed to mess you up."

"It's fine," I said immediately, my face slightly downcast. It lit up with a smile, hoping to cover it up. "I just think those two days with him are all I'm ever going to get."

"What..?" She asked as I jumped off her shoulder, boosting myself off of a nearby roof toward the top of the ginormous rock. Diane called after me, her voice loud and worried, "(y/n)! (Y/N) what are you talking about?!"

I ignored her, the wound- though physically healed- still fresh, and talking about it will only be throwing a salted lemon on it. I jumped one more time, then found myself hovering above the fight. As I flew above them, I zoned it in the scene, eyes widening as I did so.

Meli and Hendrickson stood in the center, the latter decked out with Demon markings, prominent and shining, just as his stupid smirk was. Meli stood behind him, looking dangerously wrath-y with his sword drawn and his eyes trained on the Holy Knight. Next to the Sin, there was an empty shell of maroon armor, looking sickeningly like Dreyfus's. Off to the side was Griamore- I guess it right; go me- leaning against a piece of rubble and covered in wounds, staring at the armor with tears pouring down his already red cheeks. Hawk was running away from the men, Ellie on his back with a bright red stain on her side, blood dripping from it. He attacked her... and he's attacking her again.... that asshole. Hendrickson's right arm, which lay on the floor, had its palm open, pointed at her and Hawk with a large, dark ball of fire being sent at them. I growled, pushing myself downward with a swift movement of my arms and stomping into the ground, making a loud boom as the rock crumpled around us, a piece falling on top of Meli, knocking him over. Oof... sorry, man. I put myself directly in front of the flame attack.

It made contact with me, disintegrating. It dissipated as it morphed around me, the flames extinguishing themselves upon contact with my body. Once they disappeared, I saw Hendrickson, smiling condescendingly- somehow in my direction, the little shit.

"Wow, (y/n)! You blocked it!" Exclaimed Hawk, looking back at me with shock and awe. I couldn't stop the demon markings from appearing on my skin, and as they did so, my anger toward the world and everyone in it (save for maybe Ellie, Diane, and King.... maybe Meli too) increased tenfold. I glared at Hendrickson.

"Dude, you picked the wrong day to try to resurrect the demon race," I spoke dangerously, "Because you monumentally pissed off two demons who do not like to be fucked with."

"I see," Hendrickson, "Flames do not affect Tenebris Demons... Fire is their main attribute after all."

"Shut up!" Shouted Diane- who had just rejoined us stop the boulder. She picked up Hawk and Ellie, holding them protectively toward her. "I will never forgive you!"

"You were nearly dead... so how...?" Mumbled Hendrickson, as behind him a large, green teddy bear appeared. It raised its arms up, slamming the intertwined hand-things (I dunno what to call them) down upon him. He went cascading into the ground, shaking the larger rock we were atop of and forming a giant crack within its center. I grinned- welcome King to the fight, Sir Fuckface.

"Cap'n, you alive~?" Asked a disdainfully familiar voice, picking up the captain and carrying him over to the group. He stood in front, the Fox Sin just behind him, with King floating just above. I was between King and Meli, standing on a rock and glaring at Hendrickson, just as Diane was, except she was holding her Gideon rather heroically. She was off to the left of the asshole, and Gowther stood off to the side of King, the glare in his glasses preventing him from shaking any expression- though I doubted he was showing any.

We're the Eight Deadly Sins, motherfucker.


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