"Told you," Danny chuckled. "Those two always play this in The Ace."

I smiled as Jess and Lori kissed each other's cheek when she sang, "kiss lots of girls if that's what you're into."

"And how does that go down?" I asked, curious how progressive his customers were.

"Haven't had any complaints. I like to think my bar is open to everyone." Danny answered as he ordered himself a Whiskey. "Wanna drink?" He smiled. I nodded as I turned away from Jess.


"With -"

"Yeah. With ice. I remember." He grinned as he gave our order to the barman. "Hey, you okay?" He asked as he handed me my drink.

"Yeah. I guess. I still feel bad about earlier." I sighed. Jeffrey had paid the money, Jessi had insisted she paid half of it and so far the photo hadn't leaked but it would always be a worry in the back of my mind.

"Harry don't worry about it, nobody got hurt. Just relax." Danny nudged my glass, and I downed half its contents.

"Did you give Jess that money?" I asked, suddenly curious how Jess never seemed to struggle for money. I mean I knew her internship paid quite well but £25,000 is a lot of money to have lying around. Plus, she never really flinches when we go shopping in designer stores or eat out somewhere expensive. Now I thought about it, it was odd.

"What money?" Danny asked. I raised my eyebrow at him, it must have been him who helped her out.

"She insisted on paying half the money to keep that photographer quiet." I said, stubbornly refusing to call it blackmail. I didn't like to think of it like that. It was just another part of my job.

"Sounds like Jess." Danny chuckled. "She doesn't need my help with money or yours. Her Mum left her money." He explained.

"How much?" I blurted out. "I'm sorry, that was rude but I don't want her wasting her inheritance on stupid shit like this. She could have used that money for school or something important." I sighed.

"More than enough, don't worry about it." Danny replied.

"Come dance with me?" Jessi's voice interrupted our conversation, and she wrapped her arms around me. I smiled as she placed a kiss to my back, over my shirt.

"Thought you'd never ask." I smirked as she slid her hand into mine and pulled me towards the dance floor. "Been having way too much fun without me."

"Nuh uh. Been watching you." She grinned as she hooked her arms under my biceps. "Oh, this is that song with Rihanna and Paul McCartney. I like it." She laughed as I messed around doing goofy dance moves, to be fair it wasn't the easiest song to dance to.



"Can we go home soon?" I whispered to Harry as he spoke to someone with Jeffrey.

"Yeah." He smiled and placed a kiss to my head. "Just give me a minute?" He pulled out his phone and sent a message, I assume it was to his driver, and then he excused himself from the conversation he'd been having. "You okay?" He asked, wrapping me up in a hug. I'd enjoyed this party, the record label had hired a room in a club so we were free to be ourselves but I was tired now. We'd danced a lot and my feet were hurting.


Harry closed the door to his house, and I dropped my heels by the door as he slipped off his boots, abandoning them beside my shoes. I skipped up the stairs and enjoyed the feeling of my dress swishing around. I heard Harry's feet on the stairs as he followed behind me. I walked happily into his wardrobe to find a shirt of his to wear but quickly changed my mind as I looked in the floor-length mirror. I pulled off my lace underwear and chucked them into Harry's laundry basket.

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