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He was rapping me! I couldn't do anything! I tried escaping! It's hard! Oh my God! He's about to stab me! AHHHHHH!------------------------------------------------------------------------

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He was rapping me! I couldn't do anything! I tried escaping! It's hard! Oh my God! He's about to stab me! AHHHHHH!

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed out of fear, and involuntary sat down due to the bad dream. I involuntarily sat up and gripled on the bedsheets.

"Babe! What happened?! What's wrong!?" Liam asked. I was crying out of fear.

"I had a nightmare! It was all about what happened!" I replied, crying hardly. Liam hugged me, and he placed my head on his chest, making me cry on his chest. I was covering my upper body.

"It's just a nightmare. You're safe." He comforted while rubbing my back and caressing my hair.

"I'm still scared, babe." I cried. He started tearing up. He hates seeing my crying. He pulled me closer, and he passionately kissed my lips, where I felt his fear and care.

I pulled away, and cuddled with him

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I pulled away, and cuddled with him. I don't know, but I feel so safe in his arms. It's like a shield that can't be broken. We covered ourselves with the comforter and slept.

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