Trans {  }

No preface {   }

Other ; _________

Preferred sexuality:

Gay {   }

Straight {  }

Bi {   }

Pan {   }

No preface { • }

Other ; _________

Preferred personality description: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

No preface { • }

How long would you like to keep your temporary partner?

A day {   }

A week { • }

A month {   }

Other time limit ; ______________________

[Note: Buyers are only allowed 6 months at most]

Any other preference: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


He handed the paper back to the girl at the desk. "Oh! Good, Aoi! Come help our guest get situated please!"

A girl with a ponytail came around the corner and picked up the paper Shuichi vaguely filled out. "Oh good, you aren't looking for anything super specific. Good! Those customers are always hard to please. Follow me, ah, urm..." She glanced down at the paper. "Mister Saihara!" He nodded and followed her down a hallway.

This place was a lot nicer than he expected. Nicely carpeted floors. Ranging from brilliant reds to golds and literally anything expensive looking. "Down this hallway we have our male partners. Looking for.... 16 through 19... okay, let's see..." He followed her through a door into a small room. Not too small that he felt cluttered, just big enough to feel comfortable.

The walls were covered in books. Miss Aoi pulled one off the shelf. "These are all partners we have currently that are in that gender and age range. There is a short description of them below, so feel free to look through it. Take your time! I'll be back in a bit. I have others to miss match!" She smiled and left.

Shuichi took a seat at the small table and opened the book she placed in front of the chair. They were organized by age. In each age section, they were put in alphabetical order. Shuichi skipped the 16 to 17 year olds. He was fine with either his own age or 18. He first checked out other 19 year olds. That was the legal age to make such a purchase. But it seems... that the age to sell your life away was 16.

None of the 19 year old males looked valid enough to be honest with him. He didn't want to feel intimidated by his 'partner'. He wanted someone soft looking. Maybe... kind? Not thirsty like Miu said. He gave up on his own age and flipped back to the 18 year olds.

Of course there wasn't too much of a difference. If he wanted someone like that, he'd have to depend on some 16 year old.

But someone caught his eye. He looked at their picture and scanned the short description.

Description of partner;

Height: 5'1

Age: 18

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