Quest 2: Prison Dragon Awakening

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Reika Pov
I dodged out of the way of the golem's  Attack. Looks like it's so slow that E+ Rank agility can dodge it.
Your agility is now D Rank. Due to Affections of the Gods, it it now D+ Rank.
Helpful to know. I dodge again and thrower my spear against it with all my strength. It barely made a scratch.
Your strength is now C Rank. Due to Affections of the Gods, it is now C+ Rank.
Helpful but I'm still struggling against this thing! I ran and picked up Trishula and jabbed in rapid succession. Couldn't make a dent. Does this thing have EX Rank Endurance?!

I gritted my teeth as I made a wide sweeping slash to deflect a blow from the golem. It threw me back 10 feet away. I landed on my back and I quickly got back up to fight again. I'm gonna do a classic but stupid thing.

I waited for the golem to punch the ground, then ran up it's arm and I slashed it's neck. It didn't do any damage again. I jabbed it in and tried to do more damage before I was bucked off. I landed on the ground and ignored the system notification that said my endurance increased. I lost my weapon.

I glared at the golem which had Trishula sticking out of it's neck. I growled as an arm moved towards me. Even if this is a game, I don't want to be pushed around again. Not by her, not by them, not by this thing that isn't alive!
3rd Person Pov
In reality, four appendages appeared on Reika's body. A lizard's mouth on the left arm. A claw on the right arm. A shadowy aura from her back. Purple wings like a moth's. They appeared before disappearing once more. Unbeknownst to Reika, her eyes became slitted and her teeth became fanged for a moment.
Reika Pov
As I looked defiantly at the golem, several notifications sounded and an announcement was made suddenly.
You have gained 4 Noble Phantasms.
Blaze Black Flare
B+ Rank
Absorption Line
C+ Rank
Shadow Prison
D Rank
Delete Field
D+ Rank
[Don't worry kiddo, I won't let you lose to this thing.]
Skill gained. Dragon's Constitution EX.
Due to Dragon's Constitution, you have gained Monstrous Strength B, Battle Continuation B, Magic Resistance A, Curse EX.
Mana Stat has been upgraded to A Rank due to Dragon's Constitution.
Endurance has been upgraded to A Rank due to Dragon's Constitution.
Strength has been upgraded to B Rank due to Dragon's Constitution.
Agility has been upgraded to C Rank due to Dragon's Constitution.
Due to Dragon's Constitution, Affections of the Gods has been downgraded to C Rank. No longer affects Luck and Mana.

I moved backwards and I made a sonic boom as I moved. I looked to see the golem stop mid swing. The game uploaded all the information to my brain. Shadow Prison. The golem doesn't have any Magic Resistance if it is affected by it. No, my Curse skill ignored the Magic Resistance it may have had.

I looked at the equipment I now had. A claw, wings, what looks like a lizard's head with a line as it's tongue and a sort of aura around me. I can work with this and the Noble Phantasms I have. I thrown out Absorption Line and grinned as I slowly sap strength from the golem. Over time, all parameters except Luck and NP are gonna be drained.

I could now use Delete Field to stop it from using it's absurd strength which is gained from a skill. I used Absorption Line as a medium to allow Blaze Black Flare to be used. The line transferred the flames to the opponent and it burned to death...It died just like that?

After checking the victory notification, I was in a daze. Something that was so hard to defeat was defeated like that?
[Get your Trident Kid. Didn't think I would see Trishula again though.]
The voice was coming from the Absorption Line head. I looked at it before deciding to follow it's advice and picked up Trishula. I'll be able to unleash it's true name now due to my high mana stat. Shame I lost a plus modifier but what can you do?
[Lose but nobody likes that.]
True. I like this guy. Who is he?
[I am the one known as the Prison Dragon, Vritra.]
You're pretty laid back for a dragon.
[This isn't my physical appearance and it's the first time my soul has been brought together in 500 years. You lucked out by having all 4 of my gears containing the fragments of your souls in your body when you were born.]
What Gears? And are you an AI?
[Go Logout and try to bring your four new Noble Phantasms out in reality.]
Ok then. I logged out and I told Dad that I'll go out to get a snack. I went to an empty alley and I tried to summon Absorption Line. It worked. I stared dumbfoundedly at it. I now see what Vritra means.
[You're lucky that I can manifest in a virtual world as well. And that there are no supernatural beings for a few kilometres.]
I'm not gonna question the last one and focus on the first bit.
[Due to the nature of technology, you can train inside without flaring up your magical energy. While you are now my strongest host, you need a lot of combat experience which the game provides. And a chance to get Balance Breaker.]
I like the sound of the last bit. I'll have to train harder then?
[Trainaholic or Battle Maniac?]
The latter I think. Doesn't matter, I just want to have fun without being scolded or whatever.
A few months later
I looked at the screen with Dad behind the bar counter. It's been a few months since I awakened Vritra and I got Balance Breaker for all of my Sacred Gears as well as a Balance Breaker which is a scale mail. All in all, there are now 5 Subspecies Balance Breakers for me.

Since I turned thirteen 2 months ago, I helped Dad with the workings of the bar after he signed the adoption sheets. The match right now was between Strange Fake and Fragments of Silver. Crimson Apocrypha and Fates fought earlier which resulted in Fates' win. A shame since I was a fan of Crimson Apocrypha.

As the match heated up, a man entered the establishment. He looked in his late 20's and had blonde and black hair. He had a red coat with black pants and a belt. His coat opened up to show his bare chest which was surprisingly muscular. I slid over to tend to the man.

I got him a beer which had been fermented since 1786. He raised an eyebrow as I poured out a glass for both of us. I clinked my glass against his as we drank together.

"Fancy seeing the Governor General of the fallen angels here. What do you want?" I asked while paying attention to the screen. Fragments' Rider just set up his Reality Marble and was driving back Strange Fake's Archer and Lancer. Both team's Sabers are fighting each other and can't help out their team. The caster of Strange Fake was then taken out by the Rider of Fragments. The second Rider at least. They didn't bring a Berserker.

"The game's interesting." Azazel noted. I nodded my head as I poured myself another shot of beer. I taken a liking to the beverage but preferred a 1964 myself. I then saw Strange Fake's Lancer activate his Noble Phantasm and bound Rider while the Archer killed the other Rider.

Fragments' Caster took out Assassin and then was killed by Berserker. The games ended. Strange Fake has won. Even if Fragments' Saber is strong, they won't be able to comeback. I watched as the team conceded to prevent giving up more points. I looked at the rankings and frowned.
1. Fates
2. Extella
3. Millennium Yggdrasil
4. Singularities
5. Zero Order
6. Strange Fake
7. Crimson Apocrypha
8. Fragments of Silver
The team I like is near the bottom. The reason is the sheer amount of divinity servants on all of the teams. With Fragments next matches, I predict that their rankings would shift to 4th or 5th while Crimson Apocrypha would go to 6th if they are lucky.

"I need a favour. I got a dragon that needs taming and I suspect you can help. What do you say?" Azazel asked as he knocked me out of my trance. A dragon huh. The only ones which come to mind are...I blanched.
"White or Red?" I asked.
"100 thousand up front with 100 thousand for each month afterwards."
I breathed a sigh of relief. It wouldn't be worth it otherwise. I got quite a lot of money saved up. I made a note to get myself a proper apartment so I can stop mooching off of Dad.

"Get a gaming helmet. Kaleidoscope model and a copy of Moonlit World. I'll show him the ropes tomorrow." I told him as I took one last drink of beer.

"And you're paying 15 dollars for the drinks." Azazel looked at me before he laughed. He slapped down a ten and a five and waved his hands to show goodbye. I smirked. He seems like a fun guy despite looking like a ruffian at first.
Vali Pov
"What's this?" I asked as the old crow passed me a helmet and a game. Moonlit World, what the hell is this supposed to be?

"A recreational activity to let you release some stress. I hired someone to take care of your blue balled battle tendencies." Azazel said as I groaned. He passed me a CD and a note. I shrugged. Then my eyes widened as my smile turned hungrily. A fellow dragon? One who has unlocked Balance Breaker?

"It's not your rival but she's pretty strong." Azazel said. Is that so...Looks like it would be more interesting. I looked at the CD and inserted it into a device. Might as well see what this is about. I looked at the words on the screen as voice filtered in.

"This is the first match of the season, two powerhouses going up against each other. The two teams which have met in the finals before, Extella and Millennium Yggdrasil!" I looked at the symbols. One was a blue cube while the either was a golden tree which black leafs and plenty of branches.

I was uninterested in the commentary but when the fights began, my eyes were glued to the screen. Before I knew it, the clip was over. I smiled fiercely. To think there would be such skilled combatants in a game? Maybe it isn't such a bad idea after all. And if the 'caretaker' is just as good...I looked at the name.

"I'm looking forward to seeing your prowesss Saotome Reika."

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