"In about twenty minutes he will have the courage to ask your forgiveness for all the insults that he told you and will tell you everything," he pushed the tray of fragrant food closer to me and stood up. "And now eat." I smiled at the corner of my lips and guided the captain's muscular figure to the door. 

      Sitting on my legs, I lifted the slightly steaming glass cover, which Steve carefully put on the food so that it wouldn't cool. Sighing and trying to cheer up, I, with great pleasure, began to eat croutons and orange juice.

     Yes, it cost me a considerable effort to look into my own eyes after what I did. To the last, I didn't believe that I could kill Pietro. 

      I didn't remember it. As if I spent the whole night quietly in my own bed. But I had to believe after I was shown video from surveillance cameras and recordings from the Stark drone.

    And I felt like a monster. 

    Still sitting on the bed in the farthest corner of it, I looked at the wall and thought about what to do next. The trusts between the Avengers and me has disappeared, and when it appears again, I didn't know. And once again I was reminded that I am a monster, a product of something so cruel and inhuman that it is scary to imagine. 

      When two new guests entered the room, I looked at them like a wolf. I was so worried that even rare nerve cramps appeared. Pepper handed me a cup of soothing chamomile tea and smiled encouragingly. Steve said something about how Tony managed to find something in my brain that made me do it. Stark himself at the moment seemed somehow ... pounded? It was very unusual to see him like this, and I even raised an eyebrow as a sign of surprise.

     "Er, ... Y/n," he sat right next to me, but I immediately moved away. I was still in a terrible shock, and it seemed to me that there were only enemies around. "I came to apologise to you." I frowned slightly at two things: first, the tea was insanely hot, and secondly, I was not used to seeing our billionaire coming with apologies. 

      And Tony was still waiting for an answer. 

    "I couldn't believe that you turned out to be a traitor," he tiredly rubbed his nose, "But when my drone brought you unconscious, I almost fainted. After all, I trusted you and Pepper the most."

    I don't know what made me calmer. Perhaps the tea, and probably from the fact that Tony, still attached to me during this time, although he showed it once a couple of years. And I became connected to him as well. How else? He took care of me in his own way and gave me everything that, within the walls of the guesthouse, seemed like an elusive dream every day. 

     "It's not your fault for what happened," nevertheless, my voice gained some softness from hot tea and sounded much better now. "Whose fault you want to be, but it's not yours."

     "I just wanted to talk about that."

     "Tell her, Tony." Pepper threw a warm shawl over my shoulders, and at that moment I finally felt safe. 

      "Let's go for a walk, shall we?" he gave me his hand, and I, with some reluctance, agreed to leave the room.

      Contrary to my expectations, Tony was silent, and he led me toward the take-off area, which didn't add optimism to me. If he now pulls me out on some mission, then I turn around and leave. Is it not clear that now I'm not in the mood at all? 

      It was an early morning. Today was not the best weather: grey lead clouds hung over the city, now and then threatening to erupt in a shower, and a cold wind pierced to the bones. I was wrapped in a shawl stronger and almost hid in it from the eyes of the twins who were standing very close by.

Death In My Voice [Severe Editing Era] Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora