Thinking Steps

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My alarm clocked blared at me with a voice like that of a banshee. I love getting up for these swims, but, sometimes a teen boy wants to enjoy his sleep. I groaned and felt for the button awkwardly slamming my hand down in multiple places on the blue and orange coral color alarm clock that lay beside my bed of natural wood which came from the sea. I shook my head and got the grogginess out before kicking the sheets off my legs and propelling them over on the side of the bed. I knew to not get up too quickly, for I would be a bit dizzy as I've learned in my past. Stretching my arms as far as they would go, I took out a pair of silk blue under armour boxers from the drawer that lay beside my bed, along with a pair of shorts and a plain colored silk t-shirt.. I ambled to the best of my ability to the shower across the hall, my feet bare on the wooden floors that hold many secrets. I turned the blue diamond handle on the acacia wood door and exposed a hallway that went about six feet to the left and another three to the right. There were three doors on the left side, the master bedroom, the bathroom and the spare bedroom. On the right lay my room and what was my brothers room.

It's funny. A tear should be falling right now, I thought as I looked at the empty bedrooms. Pain is but something of the past when it comes to my family. They were killed by hunters not but 5 years ago. Fact, I'd be mourning the anniversary of their deaths next week...

I trudged across to the bathroom, lifting up my arm and wrinkling my nose in disgust at the oder. "Damn, I really do need a shower" I chuckled as I spoke out loud. I could suddenly feel something brushing up against my left leg and looked down to see silk like fur of black and spotted white. "Oh, it's just you Titus" I chuckled and reassured myself as I bent down to pick up the attention seeking cat. Titus let out a soft Meow and curled his tail around my elbow as was his usual. "Let me take a shower and then we'll get ya a treat, sound good?" I questioned him and he let out a seemingly pleasing meow before jumping down from my arms and letting out a soft purr, his wave symboled collar swaying to and fro before he was out of sight. The house was protected so I didn't waste time about closing the door.

I looked off to my left and saw a bunch load of towels that lie in the cupboard above the sink and smirked. Didn't wanna have to go searching through the house naked I 'spose. I walked up to the open space that lay before me and stepped down onto the tile like surface, the drain beneath my feet with the showerhead above me. I already had my shirt off which exposed my bare, chiseled chest. My happy trail wasn't too defined but I decided to keep it anyway, had to at least have a bit of hair on me I guess. With that sorted, I undid the strings to my shorts which immediately dropped to my ankles, which in response got kicked aside. My boxers were tight, therefore I had to physically pull them down as well which were also kicked off to the side. I had set the tempt to a normal 45 degree temp which was normal for me since I was used to seawater. With a deep sigh, I backed myself up against the wall as the water spurted out slowly like an engine of a track that was just comin' back to life. It finally made its way and trickled down my hair and face and along the rest of my body. It didn't take long for water drops to stick to my chest and other parts of my body. I had to admit, It was nice to feel the water, it was a homey feelin' to me now. I thought about what needed to get done and thought of my friend, Claudia. I knew she'd be doing something this weekend, seeing as she always invites me over. Feeling for the soap, I got my conditioner and shampoo ready and pumped both into a handful and massaged my flaxen hair with the substance. I hummed along as my phone turned on automatically and started playing from my playlist, first obviously had been I kissed a boy. I chuckled lightly and dunked my head back under the stream, washing out the soapy fixtures that would soon leave my hair silky smooth. I let my left arm fall to my side which turned out the water, then proceeded to grab a washcloth on the rack next to me and dry my face from any suds that decided to escape the watery remains. With no water left pouring over my body, I shivered at the cold that swept over my body like wind. I rushed to grab a towel and started vigorously rubbing my body to get rid of the water that had latched onto my body like moths to a flame. Stepping, up to the mirror, I took a look at my body that not but a few years ago, I was very ashamed of. I worked out a lot since then, therefore, I had a six pack, pecs, and a strong cut v-line. From spending so much time out in the ocean, I had gotten a fair tan as well. I smirked and popped my guns and started to smile. I let my towel fall to the black and blue tile floor beneath me and reached a hand out to my clothes, then proceeded to get dressed. I combed through my fairly short hair which had a fade in the back and was cut short on both sides of my head. My smooth, straight flaxen hair lay flat to the left side of my head but had been messed up in the process of drying my hair, therefore, I snatched my brush from the counter and ran it through my hair. I knew I didn't need it but decided to put some hair gel in my hair as well which in turn had came out the same way, but made my hair look glossier. All of a sudden, I hear my ringtone come from my bedroom which I turned flashy fast and look at who was calling me. Of course. Claudia. I picked up and answered thoughtfully.

"Hey Cabrón" She stated with excitement.

"Aye, puta, que pasa?" I questioned with a laugh.

"Hey, so, I'm having a pool party tomorrow night, small, just a couple of friends, beer, and talk, it's gonna be super low-key, and as always, YOU'RE INVITED!!!" She almost screeched into the phone and cheered gleefully.

"Well, like always, I'm stoked, can't wait!" I laughed slightly and said a quick goodbye before hanging up and turning my phone off.

I chuckled slightly, that girl always knows how to make me smile, even if it's just a simple chat.. She is the only one that truly knows me and what has happened in my life. The only thing she doesn't know is what I think about love, or... who I think about anyway.. Tomorrow... I assured myself, I will tell her..

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