Chapter One Jessica's POV

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Haha its good to finally upload a story, yep thats right guys this is my first story on wattpad:) i hope you guys enjoy this i'm not much of a writer in my opinion:( oh well:) vote and comment if you like it. This chapter is dedicated to RyderHoldsTheMagic because she is amazing and has given me the inspiration to write this story and i love her heaps:)

Jessica's POV

“It was a cold dark evening, shadows were everywhere and in the distance a lone wolf howls. Oooowwwwwwwwwwww. In a cave stood one man, not moving, not speaking, he wasn’t even breathing. He was just standing there existing within nature itself.”

“But why was he standing there Jessy?” my little brother interrupted.

“I’ll get to that in a minute my Chico” I replied tentatively, “As I was saying. The man just stood there not doing anything at all, when all of a sudden he was gone. He had not disappeared, he had simply run out of the cave at the fastest speed you have ever witnessed anyone run before.”

“But how did he run if he isn’t breathing?” my little brother interrupted again.

“Sam, if you keep interrupting I’m not going to be able to tell you how he does it, am I?” I asked him quietly, Sam is my brother’s real name I just call him my Chico because he likes it, it means ‘little man’ in Spanish. He doesn’t actually know what it means he just thinks he’s special when I say it.

“Ok I’ll be quiet.” He whispers, his lips pursed so as not to let any questions slip.

“The man was not a human being he was something else, something not natural. The man had been converted. He was a-“

“What does converted mean?” Sam interrupted again.

“What did I tell you about interrupting me?” I cried out in exasperation, “look Sammy this isn’t going to work if I have to keep stopping and answering your questions. Do you want me to read the story or not?” I sighed.

“Keep reading, keep reading,” he cried eagerly.

“Shhhh” I whispered in his ear, we were sitting in my bedroom at the far end of my bed. Sam was lying on the bed with his head in my lap; I was sitting up against the wall with a pillow behind my head. My second brother, Jacob, was in his room listening to music at the other end of the house. Mum and dad were out at some Halloween party, yes I forgot to mention it was Halloween. I know so cliché, but hey, what more can you expect. I guess it wasn’t really Halloween, not yet anyway. It was the night before and the house was utterly silent. My big sister, Jennifer was out at her boyfriend’s house no doubt making out in his bedroom, or in the shower, that's always a possibility. I don’t even want to think about it. Anyway as I was saying the house was silent, there were my two brothers and I and outside the final decorations were being put up for All Hallows Eve. I was reading a story to my little brother, Sam, about a vampire, which he finds pretty exciting, so much so that he can’t keep his mouth closed long enough for me to finish it. He’s pretty brave, my little brother, where most boys of his age would be scared of a little spider he would rather go and touch it and see what it looks like up close. Anyway I’d gotten up to an exciting part of the story and was just reading it to him when Jacob did the most annoying thing ever.

“The vampire was creeping up on a poor, unsuspecting woman in her garden who was tending to her roses. She had no idea what was about to happen to her as he silently approached. If he decided to drain her it would be a much better fate for her than what would happen if he didn’t because unfortunately for her she was about to regret coming out to tend to her garden at such hours of the morning. When he was in position he let off a blood curdling battle cry-“

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