1. Plain disrespect.

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As I sat in our sitting room with my parents, it was with a very huge restraint that I didn't hit them both because they were the most annoying people in all reality. I watched my mom silently as she was rambling about how I didn't need to take another job at home.

"........ and I really hope we've made ourselves clear." She said, finally closing her mouth. Not to be rude, but there was something about them that wasn't just cool with me.

"I still don't see why I can't have this job. Have you seen Casey and Scarlett? For crying out loud, dad! They're just kids. They need to live normal children lives. I'm not saying you don't do enough, but the both of your salaries can't take all the bills and fees and feeding and clothing and-"

"Khloe!" My dad barked, shutting me up. He sounded like he swallowed a tuba. I looked at him with anger. "Your mom and I are not stupid. You are not taking any job while at home and that's final! " Then he softened his voice and said "You can't afford to stress yourself like that, Khloe. You're already working two jobs at college. You can't fully concentrate on your studies if all you think about is working -"

"Do you think I didn't think about that before telling you?! Really, must you people always frustrate my ideas?!" I stood up and took my leather jacket that was lying on the table and headed for the door. Seriously, if I stayed here another minute with my parents, I would literally regret my actions.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked in disbelief.

"I don't know..." I replied in all honesty. "Anywhere away from here. I need to clear my head."

I shut the door behind me. I could hear my mom saying she couldn't believe me. Well, you better believe!

My parents don't like accepting ideas of other people. They keep forgetting that I kinda have a say to what happens in my life. The plain truth is that the whole family is broke. Super broke. And I'm not comfortable with it. Will taking just one job to support them hurt?

I kicked a stone that was lying carelessly on the ground.

England was a beautiful place to be . If you had loads of cash.

Not when you're in my shoes, young, smart and broke. It hurts. But thankfully, at age twenty-one (a year from now)  I'll be out of college and I'll have my life to live. I don't plan on actually living here but.......

I'm like three blocks away from my house right now. Yes, I know, I'm a really fast walker. For someone wishing to be a higher intelligence officer ,it's pretty normal. I could feel the evening breeze on my face that was at the moment , bare of any make-up. Now I think I know where I'm headed. About three more blocks and I'll be -

I felt my hands fly to my forehead as I fell to the floor with my left shoulder. Someone was also on the floor ,reeling with pain like I was. I could hear voices murmuring, another voice groaning and another hissing painfully. Oh, wait, that one was me.

I sat up painfully and looked around. The person who hit me down was a guy. He was still on the ground, groaning.

I better show some kindness and help him.

I staggered up and looked around. I could see like five men, all dressed in black suits and two carrying guns. They were the nearest to the handsome guy who was on the ground. A crowd had gathered around, not too far and not too near. They were all staring at us. Well, I'm not surprised ; the guy on the floor was cute.

The Bodyguard. (By Twistedgoth10)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora