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Cincinnati Heights Elementary school, Ohio.

"Good morning class, as we talked about last Monday, you'll be exchanging letters with a school in Florida and I'm happy to announce that your letters have arrived," Mrs Shackleburry declared "Andy, here's yours,"

Andy looked up from behind his black hair, Mrs Shackleburry motioned him over he got up and walked to her desk. The feet of his jeans dragging on the floor behind him.

"Here you are dear," she smiled

"Thank you," Andy whispered, clutching his envelope before walking back to his desk.

Andy watched his classmates get their letters and open them but he put his in the back of his note book. He would open it later on when he was alone. Mrs Shackleburry walked among her students and stopped at Andy's desk.

"Andy? Aren't you going to open your letter?" She asked

He shook his head

"Well, just make sure it's on my desk tomorrow morning,"

Andy nodded.

By the time Andy got home from school that night, his parents were still at work. Andy walked to his room and dug his letter from his new pen pal from his backpack. Sitting at his desk, Andy opened it. He smiled as he read his letter. Andy liked the sound of Juliet, she seemed nice. He put the letter down and grabbed his notebook, getting a pen, Andy began his reply.

Hello Juliet!

I'm Andy and I just turned 10. I live with my mom and dad but I don't have any brothers or sisters.

Vampires are real? Seems legit to me! I haven't read Harry Potter though.

You sing? Me too! I also play guitar but I'd like to learn to play the piano too. I'd like my own band one day. The World doesn't have very awesome music. That's what I'd like to do.

A white rabbit huh? That is interesting. I'm more of a dog person myself.

I've never been to Florida, what's it like? I've never really left Ohio. My whole family is here. I'd like to see well, everywhere! See the world with my awesome band...when I have one anyway!

I like this pen pal thing; it's like having a new friend. I don't have many friends to be honest. They think I'm weird because of the way I dress and the music I listen to. I go to a Catholic school so.

I like rock music, what music do you like Juliet?

I hope you don't think I'm weird.

As for school, I can't wait to get out of the place. I don't like it and the food is rubbish. Lunch would be my favourite period if the food was good.

My mom makes good spaghetti too, always with meatballs!

I think it would be nice to have a brother or a sister, be someone to talk to rather than myself. I get weird looks for that.

To answer your question, yes I would like to be friends. I have a new friend! Yay!

I can't wait for your next letter!

From, Andy D. Biersack.

Andy folded his letter and put it in his bag safely to give to Mrs Shackleburry the next day.

He heard the front door open and his mother call up to him. Andy ran downstairs.

"There you are, I brought pizza for dinner," Amy smiled "How was school?"

"It was okay, we got our Pen pal letters," Andy replied

"And who is yours?" Amy asked sitting down

"Her name's Juliet," Andy said

Amy smiled again "Is she nice?"

Andy nodded "I think so,"

"It'll be good for you to have a friend, even if she lives in Florida," Amy replied

Just then, Andy's dad, Chris walked in. He greeted Amy and winked. He had a box in his hands which he set carefully down on the table.

"Andy, come open this for me," Chris instructed

Andy walked around the table and gingerly opened the box. Once a flap was open, a little furry head popped out and licked Andy's face. He smiled brightly as he lifted the Black and tan German shepherd puppy from the box. He held it close.

"She's all yours, boy," Chris smiled

"For reals?" Andy asked

His parents nodded "It's up to you to take care of her," Chris added

Andy held the puppy up and looked at her "I think I'm gonna call her Morgan," He declared before cuddling her again. His eyes shot open "I have to tell Juliet!"

He ran upstairs, carrying Morgan still and added a P.S to his letter.

P.S Juliet! I just got a German shepherd puppy! Her name is Morgan and she's black and brown and so cute!

Andy refolded the letter and slipped it back into his bag, all with Morgan sitting comfortably in his lap. 

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