Lily gasped as she gazed at the shiny red shoes, the ribbons neatly rolled on one side, she gingerly picked them up and admired its beauty. "Guys, these are just gorgeous!"

"That's what I said." I blurted, smiling sheepishly as Lily shot me a confused smile.

"Happy birthday doppelgänger!" Iris giggled. Lily placed them on the floor and sighed.

"I can't get over how pretty they are! Such amazing color too." Lily said under her breath, she unraveled the ribbons and twirled it around her finger.

"Hurry, put them on!" I said, Lily nodded and took off her current shoes. She slipped her feet into the ruby red slippers and began tying the ribbons around her shins as if she had done this a million times before. Which she probably have.

It had dawned upon me that the shoes were probably one of a kind, considering how the store person had taken the shoes from the display, and it was a little odd how they had perfectly fit onto Lily's feet.

I silently stared at Lily as she got up and did a small spin, beaming widely. "They fit like a dream!" She exhaled, spinning one more time.

"They're so...they're so..." Lily's smile drop as she started dancing. That was...strange.

The girl started dancing wildly, it was almost a miracle that she hasn't fallen over yet, her legs kept moving but her upper torso area looked out of place. It wasn't in sync. I realized as Lily's eyes widened in panic.

Iris laughed nervously. "You must really love those sh-?"

"NO!" Lily yelled, her voice filled with fear. "I'M NOT DOING THIS!..."


I stood up, reaching towards Lily. "Hey uh, I think you should take those off. Maybe we can get a refund and get a new pair and like...paint them red or something-"

I didn't notice I had started babbling until Lily had told me to help her. I took one more step forward, when Lily's foot suddenly swung upwards and nearly hit my face if I hadn't duck.

Iris started to stand up. "Hey Lily, we're trying to he-"

A male voice suddenly spoke, it was firm and proper like a gentleman but laced with a bit of sarcasm. "Ahem."

"Pardon the intrusion." A somewhat short man walked in, holding a very sharp knife, his face was pale and possibly completely white. His cheeks were the only things that were colored, they were red, but they looked fake in a way.

His smile was unpleasantly sinister, his teeth were really sharp but when he spoke he was polite. Or maybe passive aggressive. "But there's no time for niceties."

Yumi walked in after him, clutching onto her beaded necklace like her life depended on it, she looked scared. Very scared. "Lily..." The pale girl mumbled softly.

Lily's face was covered in sweat and a stream of tears had formed, she was in pain and I couldn't do anything but stare at the stranger, the small child and my suffering friend.

"Let's get this over with quickly shall we?" The stranger smiled wider, raising the knife. Yumi asked something but I didn't bother to listen to their conversation while my friend was in agony.

Without thinking, I mumbled a quiet apology before tackling Lily. As expected, her legs kicked upwards in defense and I caught them with my hands, it hurt. The man looked up in surprise as I started tugging on the ribbons but they seemed to grow tighter each time I tried picking on the lose ends.

"LOOK OUT!" The guy said, I turned around in surprise as Lily's other leg jumped and wrapped around me, using the leg in my arms as a boost up. It was really inappropriate to say the least but both legs had wrapped around my neck and tried to choke me.

I pulled on her legs in a desperate attempt to save myself. Lily couldn't stop crying and apologizing. I couldn't do this without hurting her.

All of a sudden I felt myself being pulled back as someone started pulling Lily off me. I took this chance to untie one of the ribbons and out of frustration, I bit down on the red ribbon and pulled.


I swiftly took off one of Lily's shoes, her other leg started kicking even more. One down, one more to go. Her other leg was still clinging onto me, trying to kick me. I dropped down and she lost her balanced.

The stranger made a grab to one of the loose ribbon and pulled, bringing his knife to it. With a quick slice, the ribbons fell into pieces, the shoe, now dead.

Lily collapsed to the ground, tired and wheezing. She laughed in relief. "I'm not dancing..."

Iris rushed to Lily and hugged her. They started embracing each other in a tight hug. The side of my lips curled up, I was about to sit down when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

Surprised and shocked, I twirled around and swung my leg upwards, kicking the guy in the face.

Which accidentally made his head pop off.

I screamed. Yumi screamed. Lily and Iris screamed.

"PARIS ARE YOU OK?!" Yumi grabbed her now headless friend. The person picked up his head from the floor and stuck it back onto his neck, twisting it slightly to screw it in tighter.

"Ah, I forgot. Decapitation is fatal to humans." The person beamed, as if it wasn't much of a big deal. "It's just a minor inconvenience for me."

"Also, that was awfully rude of you to do." He turned to me, sneering wider, he tilted his head. "But I guess I shouldn't have tapped you on the shoulder like that."

"W-What are you?" I asked, staring at him with curious eyes.

He bowed politely and shot me a charming grin, making me feel a little warm inside. "My name is Paris the puppet."

You're Awfully Rude(Paris x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now