"'Course, cap!" I grinned, turning and glaring at the man who had attempted to attack him. "Some of us help our comrades."

"Move out of the way," Ban demanded, stalking toward me with a menacing stare. "I'm going to make this as painless as possible."

"Like hell I am!" I growled, blocking another attack. I swung my whip out, snapping it forward. It charged at his stomach- my aim was to cut in half and immobilize him momentarily- but he blocked it, the thick leather wrapping tightly around his weapon. I yanked it forward, pulling myself toward him and hitting him square in the chest with both my heels. He fumbled backward, growling as he glared at me. I snapped the whip back toward me. "The fuck is your problem?! What kind of practical joke is this?"

"Get out of the way, (y/n)," he snarled, darting at me so our weapons clashed against one another.

"What are you doing? Just two days ago you said you wouldn't let anybody hurt me," I hated that my voice broke, and how hurt I knew my eyes looked at I stared up at him. "What happened?"

He stayed silent, throwing a kick that caught me off guard. I slammed into a pile of rubble, destroying the rock even further as it crumbled on top of me. I almost debated sitting there, wasting my life away in this pile of rubble. Everything was finally going good- Ban liked me, I liked him, everything was good. And now this! Now all do the sudden he couldn't give less of a shit if I get hurt, even if he's the one who hurts me, and he's going to kill his best friend. What made it worse, I think, is that he didn't even respond. He didn't tell me what happened, he just moved me out of the way. It made my chest feel like it was imploding. It also made me angry beyond belief.

I jumped from the rock, stepping in between him and the captain, barely blocking his attack once again. I stared at him, practically begging for an answer, but he just glared.

"Cut it out, you three!" Hawk shrieked.

"Shut up!" Ban snarled, "Get the fuck out of my way!"

"No!" I shouted back, tears brimming in my eyes. I hated crying. "I won't move! I'm willing protect the captain with my life, if it comes down to it! He saved me from living pointlessly and miserably! He's the only reason I met any of you! He's the reason I met you, Ban! I don't give a shit what happened, but he is your best friend and I will not let you destroy yourself by killing him!" I choked, a tear falling down my cheek. "Why are you doing this? You said I meant a lot to you- and it goes without saying that Meli means everything to you! What is so important that your willing to sacrifice him- no, that your willing to sacrifice both of us?!"

"Nothing is important than what I'm doing right now," he growled, making my eyes widen as tears fell freely. "Even if it means nothing to either of you..."

He darted forward, charging at me and beginning to attack as fast as he could. I blocked all of his attacks easily, seeing several chances where I could've countered, but I didn't. I'm not sure why. That's a lie, I know why. It's because I love him, even if he's trying  to kill me. Stupid, isn't it? Hearts, feelings, all that bullshit.

"Because if I kill him, she comes back!"

Everything stopped.

It all moved in slow motion as it all crumpled before me.

She comes back.

He had to choose between a saint and a demoness.

And he chose the saint.

His weapon impaled me, stabbing through my stomach and sending my flying to the side. My eyes were wide with horror, the entirety of my being caving it and halting all functions. My chest squeezed painfully, worse than being as close to death as you can get or tortured 24/7 for years on end. It was the worst feeling in the world. Everything was crashing down before me and I could do nothing to stop it.

Greed and Despond (Ban x Sin!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now