Chapter:3 Motels are never a good idea

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This time it was my turn to laugh at him. "I brought it up twice! Don't flatter yourself, Styles. You're not as big of a ladies man as you think you are."

He ignored me and then proceeded to saying, "Hey, is it just me or does that guy keep on staring at us? The one with the blonde hair. Weird scar on his face. Most likely smoking a joint right now."

"Right?" I exclaimed. "I knew he was staring at me! God, he's so weird." I paused. "Let's go beat him up."

Harry stared at me as if I had just announced that I had conceived a baby with George Bush. Or something. I don't even know what I'm saying. "Why would we do that?" he said slowly, pretending to back away from me. "I think you're the weird one, Lex."

I pointed a finger at him. "Don't call me that."

A sly smile curled up the corners of his lips as he asked me, "What? 'Lex'? Is that what you don't want me to call you?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Yes. Are you really that slow?"

Pretending as if he hadn't heard my final comment, he continued, "And why is that?" He paused and then, just to piss me off a little more, he added, "Lex."

"Because only my friends call me that–"

He interrupted me, "So only two people, including me?"

This time, I shoved my finger into his chest and snapped, "Shut up. We're not friends–deal with it."

He pretended to wipe away a fake tear after hearing my words. "Wow, Lexi," he sniffed. "You sure know how to break a man's heart."

I raised my eyebrows in response. If that was even a thing.

"Oh, so I don't even deserve an answer?" he teased.

"No, not really." Maybe I was overthinking things, but I was pretty sure that he was flirting with me right now. I wasn't saying that he liked me or anything, because that was definitely ridiculous, but I was pretty good at realizing when people were being coy with me. Maybe he just had a naturally flirty personality, though. I don't know.

I got up from the bench to go throw my stick of gum in the trash, but the minute I had stood up, the blonde stoner from across the parking lot whistled, "Hey, baby! Nice ass!"

My cheeks reddened in both anger and humiliation as the two boys beside him cackled with laughter at their friend's antics. I was too embarrassed to turn around and have to face not only them, but Harry as well. I had no idea what he would do, or say.

My uncertainty was confirmed when all of a sudden, I heard Harry's voice from behind me yelling, "Hey! You don't talk to a girl like that! Jesus."

The stoners just laughed at him and once I had finally gained my composure, I made my way back to the bench and took a seat beside Harry. We stared at each other for a moment until I told him, "I want to go and fucking knock their teeth out."

"Don't," he sighed. "They're not worth it." He paused and then a moment later, he spoke again, this time sounding a whole lot more aggravated. "God, I fucking hate it when guys think they can do that! It's disgusting''.

I didn't answer him. I was far too humiliated. Instead, I took my phone out and pretended to be browsing through my Instagram feed, even though there obviously was no Internet connection outside and I was too cheap to pay for 3G.

"Let's go back to the car," Harry suggested quietly, noticing my silence. He was probably just as shocked by it as I was–it was definitely rare for my mouth to be shut. Ever since I was a little kid, I had always had to have something to say.

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