Sick fever?

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I started going to my first period class with tsu. I wanted to go to class early to talk to Bakagou or tease him like my usual routine. Many wouldn't dare to say anything like what I say other than the Bakagou squad. I'm pretty much part of it since Bakagou doesn't rally mind I guess. Sure he curses and name calls me or threatens me but I got use to it. Me and Bakagou got pretty close during elementary and middle school. Maybe he doesn't say it or acts like a friend you would try having. We finally arrive ,as we enter the room  we are greeted by our classmates. I make my way towards Bakagou who was looking at his phone .
"Hey there Bakagou, what are you doing" I said as I layer my head near his shoulder staring at his phone.
" Get off me, I'm just looking on what's on the news shithead" he said. I then see kirisama coming towards out direction.
" hey (y/n) and Bakagou, me and the boys wanted to invite you two to the new arcade that just opened.
" Sure that sounds like fun, hey Bakagou we should go" i said staring at him. Just seeing his sharp red eyes makes my heart flutter and feels like it's about to rip off my chest.
" I don't have time to waste it on extras like you" he said while taking out his notebook. I pouted at him and turned back to kirmisama.
" yea we'll meet you guys after school" I then went to my seat which was right next to Bakagou's and class started. There wasn't really anything interesting other than the festival's are very soon. I'm going have to train very hard and improve my quirk more.
" hey Bakagou do you want to train together this weekend?" I said while walking with him towards our next class.
" No, you'll only get in the way" he said
" Bakagou." I said looking at him. He turned his head towards my direction and glared at me. " I like you" I said smiling. He only signed and headed towards his seat. Another rejection. That makes it 18. I signed but, now I'm having ideas on my other confession. What if I make him cookies or a small cake. I completely started daydreaming on what to do, I completely forgot I was in class.

After school
I was waiting for Bakagou at the school exit. I finally saw Bakagou's figure. " I thought you left, so are we going to the arcade."
" No, I'm going home to practice on my quirk, instead of playing around you should go study, your always complaining about getting bad scores" he said while walking.
" Aww come on Baku don't be like that, are you scared that I'll beat you on a game" I said grinning.
" what did you say you EXTRA!" Bakagou started glaring at me hardcore , causing me to start blushing. Dammit Bakagou if only you knew what you do to my heart.
" Never mind I'll go by myself, see ya tomorrow " I was already near the arcade the boys invited. We spend all day playing and pretty much wasting our money. I got this plushie that was ashy blond cat. I smiled softly since it reminded me about Bakagou. I decided to play another game and win another plushie for Bakagou's mom. I often go to his house and visit his parents since they are pretty friendly also cause Bakagou's mom literally calls me over every Wednesday to chat or gossip about anything. I got the plushie and headed towards their house.
As I arrive I saw Bakagou training, throwing punches at the air and experimenting with his quirk. I was just amazed on his hardwork. I went towards his front door and knocked.
" (y/n)! How are you doing honey, oh come in I just finished preparing dinner" Bakagou's mom said while grabbing my arm to go inside. I grabbed my shoes and set them down the door and set my items on the living room.
" So (y/n), hows school?"-Bakagou's mom
" it's okay, nothing interesting pretty stressed out by so many exams coming"-(y/n)
" that's sad to hear, you should ask Bakagou to tutor you with kirisama" - Bakagou's mom
" Nah, I don't wanna bother him too much I mean I already ask for him to help me with my homework yesterday, I think I've already bothered him a bit too much today"- (y/n)
" let me guess , confessed today" she said. I nodded my head while looking at my hands. " well that Bakagou sure is a pain in the ass, seriously he doesn't know what he's missing, I mean you have the looks, the personality, and the patience for a guy like him. Seriously if you two don't get married I'm sure he'll probably marry his best friend." She said laughing. I remembered I got her a plushie.
" oh, I just remembered I got you something, I was originally gonna give it to Bakagou but I'm pretty sure he'll just throw it away or blow it up" I grabbed the fluffy cat plushie and handed it over to her.
" oh lord it looks just like him, I'm guessing you  were think of him weren't you huh" I shyly scratched my head while nervously laughing. I heard the door opened. And there he was standing sweaty Bakagou. Man sometimes I don't think I get tried of staring at him. Like there is always something breath taking about him.
" Oí, what are you Doing here shithead" he said glaring at me.
" I got something for you but decided to give it to your mom since it's not your type" I said while taking a bit on my food. The food suddenly caught my attention. " Hey! This is really good what is it!" I ask
" this is just jonkatsu I just added a few other spices to make it more savory" she said smiling
" this is so delicious, you have to teach me how to make  this" I said taking another bite. Bakagou served himself some and sat down eating. By the looks on his face he was surprised with the taste but he can't let his ego down.
Thank you for the dinner! I said bowing. I ended up eating two servings. I'll make sure to burn that later. The streets were pretty quiet, you can hear the crickets singing and the wind blowing. I wasn't really tried and I don't have anything else to do I decided to go up the hill and sit on the benches under the trees. This is pretty normal, often I go here after a long day and just stare at the sun set. I take out my sketchbook and start sketching out the people around me. There was a lot of couples making me feel pretty lonely. I layed under the tree and  rested my eyes. After a while I felt someone flicking my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes to see an old guy obove me. I stared at him shocked and started panicking slightly. I pushed the old male off me and grabbed my backpack and started running down the hill. I heard him chasing after me. Man! I was just chilling under the tree and get distributed by some old off looking man. Turns out that old man has a quirk. He extended his right arm at me and grabbed my leg. Dragging me down the ally. My quirk takes a lot of energy from me which is why I only use a little percentage of it. Also because it is dangerous. My quirk, Vampire, has the ability of super strength and energy force. I can drain some ones energy by biting them. Basically like sucking someone's blood. But the more blood I suck the weaker the other will be and the harder I will be able to control my quirk. I bite his arm and pushed him towards the wall holding him and twisting his arm, making him grow tried until I made my escape. I ran towards another ally jumping obove fences and walls until I finally reached my apartment. I ran upstairs, quickly grabbed my keys and busted in. I quietly, quickly closed my door and push myself on the back of the door. My heart was pounding and my legs were shaking. I wasn't scared but I was shocked since I barley had any time to react. I looked at were I was dragged and saw my leg scrapped and arm bleeding. I sighed and fainted.

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