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Minlee PoV

Hi everyone I'm Minlee Yamsaki I'm 14 yrs old and my mom and I live in America My dad is a Japaness and my mom is Korean

And we move at America Few days from now My mom said she got hired here as a nurse.....Yep my Mom is a nurse

"Minlee!!! Get down here breakfast is ready!!!" My Mon shout

"Coming~" I said as I put my shoes on and get my bag

Today is My first day To my New school I'm 2nd year highschool

"Hey mom" I greet

"Hey sweetie you must eat now your Running late" my mom said I quietly eat my breakfast and leave after I waited for the school bus and I go to school

there's so much change since I get here cause at Japan we don't have school bus we just ride bike or train and My mom and I live in the city there so I take Subway to get to school

and If your asking about my dad....well he's a total asshole she left my mom when she was in pregnancy and doesn't left anything My mom was an OFW at Japan when she meet my dad

and My dad is a doctor at the hospital she was working at so they fall in love but my so called Grandma didn't agree with their relationship so...she arrange married my dad and my dad left my mom

we already arrive at school I go down the bus AMD see my school there's a lot of american here and like I don't belong here my eyes is not that tiny but when I laugh they say it dissaper

(a/n:JIMIN'S EYESS????!!!)

The classroom is empty so I just walk there at the very back of the class I lay my head into the desk and close my eyes

when I didn't notice that someone is there

"Hey miss???" a guy nag me up

"Hmm??? yeah?" I said

"ahhmm...is this your wallet?" he ask and hand me a blue wallet

"Ahmm yes where did you find it? I didnt even notice it was gone" i said

"I found it before the door here" he said as he give it to me

"Thanks...ahmm.." I said trying to ask his name

"Kai...Heuning Kai" he said with a smile

"I'm Minlee...Minlee Yamsaki" I said as I smiled

"So...are what is your nationality?" he ask

"I'm Half Japanese Half Korean" I said

"ohh that's why your eyes is so cute" he said

"Thank you and your a american?" I ask the obvious

"Nahh...I'm a half American half Korean" he said

"Jinja?" I ask in Hangul

"Ne I am" he said " I think your new here" he said

"Yes I am" I smile

"ohh that's why...its the first time I saw you here and your in the classroom of seniors" he said

"WHAT??!!" I almost shout

"Yep you have a Junior highschool necktie And your at the senior level classroom" he said.

"Why didn't you told me?? and why are you here?? are you a senior??" I ask

"Nahh I just like to go here" He said

"Come on let's go to the real classroom can you tell.me where is it?"  I ask
"Come on" he said as we walk to the classroom where my name at

"Were classmates" he said

"Okey" I said as I sat at the back of the room

"Are you really like that Cold?" he ask I just rolled my eyes and wait for the teacher to come




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