Remus looked at her in shock but he quickly snapped out of his trance and sent a death glare at Shay. How could this girl think that she could intimidate him, Remus Lupin. He was practically the most popular guy in school at the moment, she doesn't even know the start of the hell he could make everyone give her. And he sure as bloody hell would like to give it to her.

"Quinn, you need to learn that there are types of people, there's you and there's me. You, well you are the whiny pathetic girl that throws herself at guys. And me, well I am the kind of guy everyone wants to be around. Now learn the difference and maybe when you do, you can come back to me and then we'll see how your attitude towards me changes," Remus said slowly, as if teaching a three month old baby how to say hello.Shay gritted her teeth in frustration at the boy had once called her boyfriend. How could she have not seen this side to him before? This was the evil side, the side no one wanted to see in a person.

And so Shay did the only thing she had wanted to in the past few days.

She lifted her hand and hit Remus right across the face.

Remus gasped as he his arm flew to his now burning, red cheek. It been one hell of a slap, Shay thought as she smiled to herself at her work. She wasn't sadistic, she just wanted to see Remus when he was the one being put down. And as mean as it sounded, she enjoyed slapping him.

"You know what, R-Lupin? " Shay asked, quickly changing his first name back to his last again. "I've already realized the difference between people like you and people like me. You are, well, the kind of person who thinks they're the best but really needs a reality check. I am, well, the type of person who doesn't need to be around you to be happy. And thank God I finally figured that out."

And with that she walked straight past Remus - who wore an expression of shock and was still clutching his cheek - and into the Ravenclaw common room,


"I don't know guys, I mean, it just feels different. I had absolutely no regret as I watched him clutch his cheek. I mean, was it just because of anger or jealousy or what? What does it mean?!" Shay shouted in frustration. Fae and Lace sighed. They shared a secretive look and Fae  nodded at Lace. Lace broke out grinning widely and Shay couldn't help but worry slightly, Lace wasn't the type to get giddy over something to do with Remus. No one really was.

"We've known about this for a while now, Shay, But you are just so stubborn that we decided that the only way for you to learn is for you to figure it on your own," Lace said and shay couldn't help it as her eyebrows automatically furrowed. What the heck was she talking about? "We don't think you were ever really in love with Remus. We think that since you've never been in a relationship before, the minute you found out someone liked you, you kind of just jumped into it."

Shay hated to admit it but it made sense. No one could possibly fall in love that quickly, especially when she had hated the guy for a good amount of time beforehand. And she seemed to get over him a lot more easily than someone in love usually would. All she had really been worried about the last few days was everyone in the school being mean to her and embarrassing herself in front of them all. They were both related to the Remus incident but she hadn't been that worried about never getting back together with Remus or any of that.

"I wasn't in love with Remus," Shay muttered to herself and Lace nodded slowly, as though teaching Shay a new language. "I'm not in love with anyone," Shay said again, this time in her normal voice. Lace and Fae nodded this time, a bit more of a smile on their faces. "I'm not in love with Remus!" Shay exclaimed excitedly, hugging both her friends.

Fae and Lace immediately hugged their best friend back, all three with wide grins. It was better this way than being apart from each other. even though Fae and Lace were still friends when Shay was dating Remus, they hadn't talked as much. thy weren't in the same house and every time they talked it was only half-bothered. Because without each individual in this group, none of them would be like who they are today.

 It was nice to know that they were the way they were because of each other. No matter how much someone changed, it didn't matter to any of them. They were still Shay or Fae or Lace until they decided that they didn't want to be Shay or Fae or Lace. Because no matter how much someone may experiment with their look, who they are will never change, even if they try and change that themselves.

"You know, you guys are the best friends ever," Shay said to Lace and Fae who bath 'aww'ed and hugged Shay again. Shay laughed as she pushed back her two friends who immediately fell back onto the floor of Fae's room. The other girls weren't in as it was a last minute Hogsmeade trip but Shay, Lace and Fae had decided not to and chose to just spend the day in instead. "No seriously."

"Aww, you're the best friend ever too," Fae said, pinching Shay's cheek as she said it. Shay swatted her friend's hand away and laughed. Lace, who was feeling a bit left out, tackled Shay to the ground, giving her a hug. " I wanna join, too!"

And with that Fae jumped on top of Shay for a hug as well.

The fact that she currently had two humans lying on top of her and was laughing so hard that she wasn't able to breath any longer didn't help her lungs as she tried to push them both off her. Fae and Lace laughed as they climbed off her, seeing the redness of Shay's face. Shay soon caught her breath and the redness soon began to fade from her cheeks but she still laughed every few moments, still finding the whole thing funny.

Her life wasn't perfect - it probably never would be - but one thing was for certain and that was that her life was now a whole lot better with her friends.


Guess who's back?! And I updated ON TIME GUYS!!! AMAZING, I KNOW!

Well, you all missed my birthday, thanks guys!! :'( It was my birthday last Thursday so :D

My new school is so different and I get the whole day off  (not really, I have some religious retreat but it gets me out of all classes) AND THERE WILL BE BOYS! I go to a girls only school so my life is sad currently...


Moment over!

Picture on the side is of Fae.

And I know I said I wouldn't dedicate this book to anyone else BUT she's making a new cover for this book so she deserves it!

Video is a funny one by the amazing danisnotonfire!!!

Bye!! Leave me lots of beautiful comments and votes!!

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