Chapter 7: Not the one only holding back

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As we clash swords, the first one to be surprised was Lord Argus.

"You sure are something lad..."

It seems that with my body size, he didn't expect me to clash in a head-on collision with him in strength. Not only being able to even with him but even having to surpass him in raw strength.

He decided to stop clashing me as seeing its ineffective a test of strength.

"I didn't expect you to contest me in strength and even surpassing me lad."


The knights, Lord Gregory, and even the Prince were shocked at someone beating Lord Argus in strength. Only My masters and Fred remained calm as they had known of my monstrous growth potential.

"So, I think it's about time for me to get serious then."


I reacted too late as he quickly disappeared from his position and turn around to try and block his attack behind me but it was too late as I got push back by the sheer power he held.

Once he got serious, he suddenly had a quick burst of strength that easily surpass me that I could barely react to his attacks.

He kept on bring assault to every side that I began to use the opportunity to study his moves.

"O-oi. I know that Fred said of you being a genius but I never thought that you are actually using this opportunity to train while in a duel. What kind of monstrous talent do you have?! Even my grandson isn't that greedy for strength."

Lord Argus who was shocked at what I'm doing, stopped fighting as he realizes what I was doing. I gave bow as I apologize for my actions.



He scratches his head in confusion as he prepared his stance once more. Calming himself, he quickly jumps towards me and gave multiple strikes, each having different attack patterns.

"If you're so greedy with strength, how about I let you take all of this on."

Even with me being able to block most of his attacks, I am currently on the defensive side as I began to slowly lose grip on the fight.

It seems that being the strongest person in the kingdom wasn't just a rumor...


(A certain Prince's view)

I, the first prince of the Cistoria kingdom, Prince Zenrud Vi Cistoria had viewed Gregory having more talent in being strong since he has the same blood as his father. But what I am currently witnessing right now seems to be something I didn't expect what my fiancee's brother had.

Sora, from what Daniel has told me. He was once a boy who lived in the slums since he was born. Unexpectedly, he was the one who had saved him from the kidnapping incident and is now currently working as his butler. I should thank the guy for saving my fiancee's brother.

But was most surprising was what Daniel said to me, being able to beat Sir Fredric. He said that on the first month, he bested him in his greatest strength in speed which Sir Argus had held admiration on. The next month after that was bested in a contest of strength, which was more surprised when I heard that he not only used the training regimen that Sir Fred had banned but even as to adding Gravity magic on that crazy training of his.


But as Daniel had said, not only did he do it, he even went as to use it in his fight with Fred-

"Wait, wait...."

"Ah, I guess your highness has figured it out as well."

Knowing what I was currently thinking, he gave a grin at me as he turns back and started shouting.


(Argus's view)

"Sora! It seems that the prince is getting bored with the fight. Cut the training short and go for the offensive right now. I 'order' you to knock that gramps down!"


After hearing what that Sylfid lad said about this lad holding back, I turn around to see him stop his movements. I was kinda shocked that he was really using me to train but then.

"Cut the chains....release the beast...undo the bonds....and....satisfy my master...[Release Gravity]."


All of us were shocked at the massive power surge that lad held onto until now. I began to get cold sweats in my skin as if recalling my time as a young knight fighting one of the demon king's generals. It seems that this lad was holding out on me with this power but having my blood pump out from the excitement for what I'm getting into he began to attack first.


He quickly reached me in such a short amount of time as I could barely react and had to block his attack instead. But the strength he displayed before and after his release state, far outmatch me than before that I actually got blown away from the attack. Before I could land on the ground, he was already behind me with his next attack.



I could only talk in broken words due to being hit back and forth by his attack and wasn't even stopping for a rest. Even if I could attack, it would lead me to make an opening which he perfectly dishes out multiple attacks on me.

When we both landed on the ground, I could barely hold my sword due to how injured I was but that lad didn't even break a sweat during that moment.

"Sora, Stop. Concede the match and give respect to Lord Argus."


I concede... I thank...Lord Argus...for the match..."



Before he could attack, that Sylfid brat had stopped the match as we all turn around to see him holding on to his sister who seems to collapse without us knowing. Yet, I felt bitter due to not finishing our fight and even as to let him lose on purpose.

But once I saw him approaching his master, he turns back at me with a bow.

" time....apologies."


After grasping on what he tried to say, I suddenly felt myself grinning since I didn't expect him to have another match against him.

Maybe next time, you'll be the one who would lose to me lad.

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