Chapter 2: Sora, The Butler

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We were currently in a room where there were 8 people in the room.

Two were a man and a woman that seems to be the owner of this place since they were the only ones who were sitting. Then, there was the boy whom i met last night and the girl i met today. They might be the two's children.

Then, there was the two guards behind me while giving cold glares at me. In front, there was maid who is beside the girl and an old man who was behind the man.

After a bit of surveying the whole room, The nobleman started to talk.

"It seems that you have saved my child from those men that i owe you my graditude. You even as to went and throw your life away as a way to save my son. I can't thank you enough."


I can only bow to my head since i don't know how to handle this situation i'm currently in. But after seeing his face, it seems that i'm not about to be punished or something.

Then, the butler gets a bag out of nowhere and hands it to the nobleman as he handed the bag to me in a warm look.

"As a token of my graditude, i give you this as a reward."


After checking the bag, it was filled with coins which is more than what i earn from stealing. I felt surprised that tears started to pour into the mask. The people were surprised at my reaction but i wiped my face in happiness as i use my voice for the first time.


All of them where shocked at me talking but i didn't pay no mind to them as i tightly hold on to the coins in my hands. This was something i couldn't earn in my entire life as i didn't want to let go. But as i was about to leave, the young noble said something to his father.

"Father, you seem to recall that you couldn't find a butler for me."
"Yes, i did. But son, its currently hard to find a suitable butler for you."

As he said that, he points at me with a smile on his face."

"How about this guy?"

When the boy declared that, all of them had a shocked look on his face as the first to respond was his father.

"Son! That kid is a slum boy and he doesn't even have any proper training as a butler."

"So? How about Alfred teach this kid how to be a butler."

"Do you have any idea that this brat could be a hired assassin to kill you or some kind of spy from another kingdom?!"


He gave his father a confident look as he turned towards me as he grabs a cookie from the table and shoves it into my mouth. I gave a shocking look at how delicious the cookie was. It was way better than the bread i stole everyday and it made me want to have more.

Finding out my reaction without even having to know how my face looked, i grab another cookie as he gave me an evil smirk and waves the cooking at me.

"Kneel down and become my butler. I shall give you food, shelter and a home if you serve me."

His speech had shocked me since he wanted me to be his butler. I didn't know why but after he said he would give me a place to stay and food to eat if i serve him, i know that it was the only choice i had left if i want to escape that place. So i agreed.

And so, i became a butler.


In the first year after being his butler, i was throughly trained by Alfred, the Duke's butler.

Now, after being hired as a butler, i was taught by him on how to be a proper butler and him giving information to the masters in this household.

I'm currently serving one of the 4 Dukes in this kingdom, the Sylfid. The master of the household, Lord William. His wife Delila, the daughter 'Liliana' and the next lord and my master 'Daniel'. Since i didn't have a name, my master decided to give me a name 'Sora'.

The training i had with alfred was hard but i didn't want to get kicked out of this house so i endured. He was surprised that i was very determined to learn, he increased the training regimen but i tolerate his harsh teachings.

I also had a knight trained me in the art of combat and throughly trashed me until i was half dead but i endured it and continue to train that by three months of being here, i finally beaten him. But i didn't slack off my training after beating him, i continue to train until i could dominate him and would easily beat him.

It also goes for Alfred. Be it in cooking, sewing, or being a butler. I aim for complete dominance for everything.

Both of them had a scared look but they decided that its for the sake of the future for the young master that i'm being trained.

There are changes in the year i stayed here....

First was the Duke and his wife.

He was wary of me staying in this household since i was just a slum boy. But in the past couple of months, the both of them started to warm up to me after how dedicated i was in serving my master but i get this strange feeling he was scared of me in a different way.

Next was the servants in the household.

At first, the gave me a pitied look and wanted me to have a warm welcome here but they started to be friendly at me and even became closer than in the past. Especially the time where i had beat Alfred in a cooking contest and them warming up to me.

Then, there's also the Duke's only daughter Liliana.

The mask i'm currently wearing right now is thanks to her. But most of all, its because the young master cherishes her that i'm willing to risk my life to protect her. She tends to ask me to look at my face and continues to get closer to me but maybe she's a bit pressured by the fact that she's engaged by the first prince of the kingdom that she needed some time to get used to boys. Even so, if the chance that she were to be in love with me, i would honor my promise to young master that i would never fall for her.

Lastly would be the young master.

He has an evil personality but is just an overall nice guy underneath. Just...if you count of how obssessed he is with his sister, he's just a excellent Duke's son. I really admired him since he did hire me as his butler, i wanted to dedicate my life in serving him.

But thats the person who changed the most, me.

At first, i really just wanted to find a reason to live and by being an adventurer would solve that. But after being a butler here, i finally know why. Its because of these people that i serve that i want to dedicate my life to.

The happiness i have of serving them. The joy in developing a relationship with the people around them. And the hard work they put through to achieve their goals(but not me helping young master stealing his sister's underwear).

Overall, i really enjoy being a butler. Its thanks to them i'm currently here.

I'm a Butler, so what?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن