ReaderXKisame - In Hot Waters

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Steams rises from the water in small clouds. The moisture in the air heavy, but welcoming. Sounds of splashing come from the other side of the large, wood divider that separate the men’s hot springs from the women’s. Plants grow about, giving the hot springs a natural look. You smile in relief upon seeing the warm water, relaxing the moment you exit the dressing room and looking around.

A certain blue-haired woman follows you out, a towel wrapped around most of her body. Even though you’re both women, you are also wrapped up in the soft and fluffy towel. It isn’t that either of you are all that modest, it is just that last time you caught one of the men peeping, a certain white-haired religious flirt. He was punished, of course, but you doubt that will discourage him from trying again, though he just might be more careful about the words that are escaping his mouth when he’s peeping.

Frowning, you look around at the large wall, looking for any possible holes that might’ve been overlooked by the owner of the hot springs. Finally content, you take the towel away and fold it, but freeze when the a section of the wall suddenly topples over, three men falling over with it. A white-haired idiot, a blue-skinned warrior, and a mask-wearing loudmouth. However, that’s not all, as all the other men on the other side can now clearly see everything happening on your side.

The three collapsed fools stare at you wide-eyed, and you stare back, just as bug-eyed. It’s the warrior who reacts first, quickly jumping to his feet and turning his back to you, his face turning purple with what you assume as embarrassment. At least, for his sake, it better be embarrassment. Next to stop staring is the loudmouth, who runs away shouting incoherent words. However, when the idiot doesn’t turn away, you clutch your towel, which unraveled itself, to your front, scowling at the religious freak-of-nature.

“Hello, ladies,” Hidan says, his words breaking the silence that has stretched out between you two. Your cheeks turn red with anger and embarrassment.

Managing to make a rapid succession of hand signals, your elbows just barely keep the fluffy towel from falling, you shout, “Katon-Great Fireball Jutsu!”

The large fireball knocks the foolish Jashin back into the water. You hope he drowns. A smile reaches your lips when the blue-skinned warrior jumps in after the Jashin, holding him down as he struggles for air. Oh, how you hope that the immortal pervert can’t come back to life with a gallon of water in his lungs.

“Let him up, Kisame,” A certain orange-haired man commands, his voice holding no room for negotiation. Too bad. Sighing, you begin to feel relieved to have at least taught the Jashin something, but then remember that the wooden fence is still down and turn red again.

You quickly follow Konan out of the hot springs and back into the dressing room, waiting for the manager and a couple of his sons to repair the fence. It’s then that the blue-haired woman turns to you, giving you a look that only a really good friend who has a question can make.

“What do you think of Kisame?” She asks suddenly, catching you off-guard. Where did that come from, you wonder. If anyone, you had expected her to ask you about Hidan, not Kisame.

Frowning, you realize you don’t really have an answer for that. It’s not that you can’t explain your feelings for him, it’s just that you never really got much of a chance to know him, as he has spent the last four months, your entire time with the Akatsuki, avoiding you. It doesn’t seem like he hates you or things badly of you, but upon seeing you, he’ll stop doing whatever he was and instantly leave the room. When you try to talk to him, the warrior just brushes past you.

“I don’t really like him all that much, but I guess that’s because I haven’t had the chance to talk to him more than once. Have you noticed how he has been avoiding me?” You ask, frowning, recalling all the times you’ve been bluntly ignored.

ReaderXCharacter: Naruto/Akatsuki VersionOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara