With only halting a second to take a breath, Narukami gave her an instant reply. "Things like these will take time. Sometimes you won't be able to do much, but no matter what, in the end, you will be able to pull through."

From the other side, Nanako smiled. "Thanks big bro."

He smiled as well. "No problem Nana-chan."

"What should I start with then?"

It was quite obvious, but Narukami said it anyways. They had no choice otherwise. "Talk to Margaret. She'll help you with anything."

"Thank you again Big bro. This means a lot to me."

"Your welcome. Call me whenever."

With their final goodbyes to end the call, Nanako let out a yawn and glanced over at the time.

10:30, That call took longer than I thought. I should probably go to bed now.

Without a second thought, Nanako went straight to bed.

Now, this fanfiction isn't just about ut main protagonist, the lovable Nanako Dojima. There are other important characters in this story that need their screen time as well. People like Minako Arisato, whom was preparing dinner for the family. After all, she had nothing to do and she was the only character in the whole Persona series who is able to cook a successful, delectable meal enjoyed by all. Setting the table, she called Nanako a couple of times but no response was given. Instead of the child making her way to the dinner table, Adachi came.

"Where's Nana-chan?" She asked.

"Probably doing homework." he said, sitting down. "Dojima's still at work, he said he's gonna go drinking right after so he's coming late."

Soon after, Minako sat as well, eating the meal she prepared. "Nanako was on edge today, I dunno why though. So I wanted to make dinner for everyone tonight, so she could feel better."

" The best thing to do is to leave the kid be. School's tough and she's probably stressing. We also have this crap Midnight Session to solve so she probably has a lot on her mind." Adachi swallowed his food.

" True. We need to figure out why this is happening." she gestured her hand.

"So, since we're here, tell me, do you know how fight off shadows?"

"Of course I do. How am I supposed to protect those who are dear to me if I can't do something as simple as that." Minako felt a bit insecure.

Adachi put down his spoon. "Then you must have a Persona right?"

"Yes. Orpheus. The golden Persona of my brother's"

Adachi cleared his plate, placing it on the counter. "Alright then, as long as I don't have to look after another kid."

Minako got up and put on a pair of yellow rubber gloves, readying herself to wash the dishes. "We both need to protect Nanako."

The man stretched his body across the couch, slowly falling asleep. "You should probably finish those chores, it's getting late."




The child was being pushed softly, back and forth. She rubbed her eyes.

"Nanako? Wake up."

She turned around, finally opening her eyes. "Big Sis?"

Minako took her hands of of the child and gave out a tired smile. "Morning sleepy head."

In an instant, Nanako hugged the sister figure. "I'm so sorry I yelled at you! I was just angry, I was mad at myself."

"It's not your fault," she patted the child's head in a gentle manner. "I completely understand."

Letting go, Nanako finally got onto business. "Alright then, si everyone here?"

Heads poked from behind Minako. One of them waved, the other one nudged him, whispering something into his ear.

"Right!" he said. "Nana-chan I need to tell you something that might be important!"

Hope filled Nanako's eyes. "Alright Teddie, this say whatever you need, it might help us."

"I can't go back home anymore." he made a sad face, but wasn't serious one bit.

She took a not of this. "Let's go talk to Margaret. I'm not leaving her until she tells us what we need to know."

One step ahead of them, Adachi sluched by the door. "No time like the present then."

But there was one thing they didn't know; Margaret herself was making her way to them and so, the two parties met each other in the middle of the hall.

"Margaret." Nanako said.

"Nanako-chan." she replied

It was now Minako's time to poke her head. "Margaret? What happened to Elizabeth"

"Elizabeth has..moved on, but she's still here. Just on, let's say, a hiatus."

"As long as she's doing okay." Minako smiled.

Margaret took the time to ask her question. "How come you ask?"

"Well, she's looked out for me when I needed her most, of course I'd care for someone who I care about so dearly." Minako placed her hand on her chest.

Margaret smiled. "You have a good heart."

The two looked over at Nanako, giving her permission to speak. She nodded.

"Tell us everything you know. Don't hold anything back. If we are going to solve this Midnight Session, we need every bit of information we can get."

"Alright then. The Midnight Session is a time that acts as the Dark Hour, only those with hearts that are strong enough can experience this time. During this time you have two choices; One, you can go through 3 different dimensions to bring back artifacts in a limited amount of time or Two, you can do nothing and go to sleep. Both actions have consequences so choose wisely."

Nanako thought for a moment, collecting her thoughts together. "Okay then. I think I know what to do."

"Hey goldilocks." Adachi peered. "Mind explaining what that place was across the T.V? And these artifact crap?"
"When you land on the other side of the T.V you will find yourself in a world that goes by the name of Valhalla. This is a personification of the core of the T.V world. I assume you found a hidden temple correct? That place is called the Time Chamber, where you will be able to see how much time you have to obtain the other artifacts from the other dimension. And there is the Great Anima Tree. The tree is supposed to keep the world pure from harm, although it is dying without the artifacts. So now you know what to do?"

"Is that why I couldn't go back home..." Teddie pondered.

" What are these other dimensions?" Minako asked.

"These dimensions are created by the hearts and minds of those who are desperate for dimese. All the gathered negativity is created by you humans, but these dimensions are only just a farce. If they become strong enough, they will become real and consume not just the T.V world, but our world as well. You can travel through these dimensions once you enter the Time Chamber. There will be a door to a vortex you can step into. It will take you to the dimensions needed Once after all artifacts are obtain, the vortex will be closed off. I will open the door tomorrow, so you may start your journey with Marie."

Nanako nodded. They all nodded behind her. Now, knowing what to do,, they were all prepared to fight.

It was time to get their real journey started.

Persona 4: Let's Go Nanako! [Discontinued,skip to last chapter for details]Where stories live. Discover now