My Wish

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The demon inside
Shall not be ignored.
He reminds us
We are merely human.

You cannot kill him.

Drink him away.
Ignore his needs.
This only makes him mad.
Do not try to contain it.
Or put him in a cell.
Become its warden-
And you end up needing him more.

Your demon cannot be trusted.

Therefore, neither can you
Believe in yourself.
In others
He will eventually escape.
Those who deny
Live in agony.
Trying to pretend
As enlightened beings
That your suffering
Is proof of life indeed.

Feed the beast.

Satiate his everlasting need
For the perverse.
Do not give into your conscience
It was created by fear.
Living means keeping death
At arm's reach.
You must learn to coexist
With your demon.

Recognize his awesomeness.

It is pleasure
Not prohibition
that remedies
The existence of pain.
Those who truly love
Love life-
And admire the shortness of it.

The demon is your best friend.

Only he is to be trusted.
Listen to your darkest thoughts
As his eternal commandments.
Only when you submit
To the sublime.
Will you realize
What this is all about.
Fear of your innermost wants
Is your enemy.
It should not be ignored.

You will make him angry.

He always wins in the end.
Another birthday will pass
You are playing the back nine now.
Sitting at the bar with Satan.
Why wait until it's over?
Order what you want

Be one with your demon.

Sit back and laugh.
Blow out your candles.
Take back your life.
Or live
In shame
Your choice.

My wish.

My WishOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora