Intro #2

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ZeroFull name: Alice Marie JacksonAge:31(October 25,1990)

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Full name: Alice Marie Jackson
Age:31(October 25,1990)

A girl named Alice was such a sweet and smart girl but didn't have many friends. After her parents died in a car crash she was adopted by her neighbor Mr.Rogers who beat her to death and made her do hard manual labor. She was pushed down the stairs at her school by someone and beat them to death which she didn't mean it, she snapped. So she ran home and a voice came out but wasn't hers. It was Zero's her used to be imaginary friend. Later she found out zero killed Mr.Rogers and now zero is free and Alice is no more killing many people who knew Alice

Catchphrase: I don't think she has one

Status: Single

ZalgoAge:???(October 31, xxxx )

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Age:???(October 31, xxxx )

It's backstory is unknown. His demon form is unknown, he possess many people and causes mischief and chaos. He try's to make the apocalypse happen at times. He hates slenderman himself and those who work for him. Lazari is his daughter(?)

Catchphrase: HE COMES

Status: single( don't think you would wanna date a douche like him, he would kill you XD)

Status: single( don't think you would wanna date a douche like him, he would kill you XD)

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Bloody painter
Full name: Helen Otis
Age:41(October 1,1980)

The cause of bullying and being framed at school plus the death of his friend made him insane

Catchphrase: Don't be excited about tomorrow, because there will be no tomorrow.

Status: Single

PuppeteerFull name: Jonathan BlakeAge:47(July 25, 1974)

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Full name: Jonathan Blake
Age:47(July 25, 1974)

The demonic poltergeist was once a normal teenage boy by the name of Jonathon Blake who after a horrible break up with the love of his life, secluded himself away from human contact. When he found no reason to continue he locked himself in a room and hung himself leaving his body to be found a few weeks later.

Catchphrase: you're alone here, aren't you?

Status: Single

Jason the Toymaker Full name:Jason MeyerAge:255 (Birthday; November 15, 1766, appears as 21 years old)

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Jason the Toymaker
Full name:Jason Meyer
Age:255 (Birthday; November 15, 1766, appears as 21 years old)

A creature with human like features who loves building and inventing toys

Catchphrase: idk what he's is

Status: Single


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