Chapter 2: Never scream about sex in cvs

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Miami, Florida - 1495 miles

Before today, I had never actually been on a road trip before. I had read about them in books and fantasized about them after watching them in movies, of course, but the one that I was currently embarking on surely could not count as one. I was pretty sure that the male lead was supposed to be swoon worthy and amusing, and so far, Harry showed no signs of fitting into that category. He was attractive, I guess, if you went for the tall, gangly type who looked as if they hadn't trimmed (or washed) their hair in ages. And as for amusing, well, it had been two hours packed with the worst jokes that I had ever heard in my entire life, and I hadn't laughed at any of them yet. Mind you, I wasn't planning to at all.

Harry was just, to put it simply, weird. He named his fedora hat–Wendy, if you were wondering, like the fucking fast food restaurant chain–told me stories about orange peels that he had found in elevators, and expressed his desire for a pet monkey named Ray Charles. His words left me seriously contemplating over whether or not the guy had ever gotten laid.

"What are we doing here?"

I glanced over at Harry in annoyance and, once I had gotten out of the car, I responded, "What does it look like we're doing? We're getting down at CVS and buying whatever I deem necessary for a road trip."

He stared at me blankly. I was all set to grab my camera and take a picture, because not once in the hour I had known him for, had I ever seen him speechless. But then, just when I thought things were finally beginning to get good, he opened his mouth and ruined everything.

"Do you think they sell condoms?"

My eyes widened at his words. I was, by no means, one of those girls who looked down upon people who mentioned sex. That would be sort of hypocritical, since I wasn't a virgin myself. But, like I said before, Harry came across as a guy who had never been laid or even made contact with the opposite sex before. What the fuck did he want condoms for?


Oh shit, what had I gotten myself into?

"You want to have sex with me?" I shrieked. Why was I so stupid? No sane person just got in the car with some random stranger and agreed to drive them all the way to Boston.

Harry stared at me in shock. However, he wasn't the only one. In all of my disgust, I had forgotten that we were currently standing in the middle of CVS, surrounded by suburban white soccer moms and their little kids. Fuck.

"Of course I don't want to have sex with you," he seethed. Well, he didn't have to sound so revolted about the possibility. I mean, there was no way that I wanted to get in the sack with him, but weren't all guys supposed to be, like, obsessed with having sex and whatnot? I wasn't that unattractive, was I?

Actually, don't answer that.

"That's disgusting," he continued, not bothering to lower his voice. Everybody was still staring at us as if they couldn't believe what they were actually hearing. "I just met you; I'm not some man whore. Also, you're kind of tiny, you know? Would I even fit?" He leaned in closer to me and then smirked, "I'm really big."

A mother behind us gasped and quickly pulled her child out of the store, whispering something about how teenagers these days were in desperate need of Jesus.

"Last time I checked, pigs don't have penises," I spat back at him. "And I'm not that short. I'm five four." Lies. I was actually five two, but he didn't need to know that.


You know what, fuck you! You should be thanking me; I–"

Before I had the chance to finish my sentence, I felt a large, meaty hand grabbing my wrist and dragging me out of the store. I glanced at Harry in fear and he was about to open his mouth, but the big man, who I assumed was the manager, beat him to it. "Who do you punks think you are?"

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