20 Facts About Me - Tag You Are It

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Well I was tagged to write my own #20FactsAboutMe by none other than @CrisLo so here's my rather bizarre bit:

 1) I spend hours trying out monologues and dialogues in my head. Sounds scary but it's a good sport and helps with writing.

 2) I speak Greek, English and French and the Greek Sign Language (which is a mixture of the French and American Sign Languages - no, I'm not deaf or anyone I'm close friends with, I just wanted to learn it and so I did), Latin and Ancient Greek and I'm learning Italian and German

 3) I've 3 siblings; a younger brother and a younger sister (they're twins) and an older Mexican sis

 4) I've traveled to 3 continents and 67 countries so far. Next big journey I wanna embark upon will take me to New Zealand, it's got to because I've been trying to squeeze it in my traveling schedules since the dawn of time...

 5) I'm Greek and I love -amongst other things- good food but being my cosmopolitan self, I like almost all cuisines from around the world, e.g. Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Mexican, Italian, French, Vietnamese etc.

 6) There's the everlasting quarrel between the Sensualists and the Intellectuals (films vs books) by which I refuse to abide thus loving both reading and watching films. I consider both of the aforementioned forms of art highly educational and pleasing therefore I see no reason why there should be any antagonism between them "I saw the film" / "Did you now? I read the book!" Good. Good for both of you, now belt up!

 7) I used to be a national swim champion seriously considering a professional career in swimming and/or playing in a water-polo team but I had a double spinal accident that rendered me impossible to compete for several years by which time that dream had already faded... 

 8) In addition to my previous fact, I must say I love all sports and am rather good at the majority of them (nothing outstanding on my part, of course) and I get really touchy when our national teams play in championships. So much that I hold grudges and yell quite a lot.

 9) I've a strange obsession with vinyl records, mostly because I like listening to Jazz, Swing and Blues tunes. Then again I naturally inherited my love for all yester-things from my daddy, so there's that too.

10) I make thousands of different lists that I send to my friends and family depending on their interests. Cris, for instance, has 3 bucket-lists that I keep updating almost on a daily basis: i) Books, ii) Films and TV Series & iii) Music.

11) I'm a pianist but I've always wanted to be a cellist or a violinist. It's not too late I guess to learn a new instrument but yeah, one of my biggest regrets is that I never got around to pursuing the musical education I truly wanted. Long story...

12) My favourite films are:
-Doctor Zhivago,
-A Touch of Spice (=Politiki Kouzina),
-V for Vendetta,
-The Lives of Others (=Das Leben der Anderen)
-The Intouchables (=Intouchables)
-Les Misérables

13) I don't sleep much even if I love sleeping, mostly because I suffer from Acute Nyctophiliac Disorder which, fear not, means -in other words- that I absolutely love darkness and the wee hours of night. There's an almost soothing sense of serenity in the complete lack of noise, therefore, I tend to spend my nights reading, writing or simply watching films.

14) You can name any country of the world, I probably have a distant relative or friend there. We tried it several times with friends. My family and friends network has yet to fail me!

15) I don't like happy endings. For one, they don't seem realistic but most importantly, sad endings keep you thinking long after you've finished the book/film. You keep trying alternate scenarios that would offer the covetable ending and you feel for the characters in such a profound way.

16) I might seem a tad distant at times and not very keen to go out partying, mostly because I live so far away from civilisation that getting dressed and driving downtown feels like walking into Mordor and we all know that one does not simply walk into Mordor but I'm very friendly and talkative and I love the random acts of kindness.

17) I will either be very sophisticated and comme-il-faut or I'll get ultra-geeky and start talking really fast about a few hundred different series and film franchises. (And just to name a few: Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey, Suits, Supernatural, Firefly, Doctor Who, Hannibal, Stargate -SG1, SGA & SGU- Battlesta Gallactica, House MD, Sherlock, Star Wars, Star Trek, LOTR etc etc)

18) When I like an actor/actress I will go ahead and watch as many of their films as possible. Not because I'm fangirling so hard but because watching them move from one role to the other is the only way I've got as part of the audience to get to know them a tad better, meaning, once you overlook whatever elements of their acting seem to differ from role to role, whatever remains, however  subjective and vague must be the part most closely related to their true selves. 

19) I'm against the idea of profiting through Art and Sports and by that I mean that I'm against the idea of making billions and overcharging your books, films, stage performances, paintings, games and all that jazz. It's one thing to make some money, enough quid to live a truly comfortable life and it is a whole other thing to have 4 manors and 3 jets because you commercialised what started off as a passion.

20) I'm studying Law and Political Science but in an ideal world I'd be either an astronaut, an air-force pilot or an actress.

[I, now, nominate @DameCarnelian, @CjayS42, @neerunni and @kevin] 

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