First time alone with kyoutani

Start from the beginning

"Kyoutani-kun! You should take a break!"

He seemed surprised and ended up not catching the ball, it would have hit me if I hadn't moved out of the way. He looked shocked that the ball almost hit me but I just held the towel and water bottle out and said,

"You need to drink and cool off so you don't pass out!"

Thankfully he didn't argue with me about drinking or taking a small break with the others, which was a rarity. In fact he seemed to be enjoying having someone look out for him. He muttered a small


He was trying to seem less intimidating, but it did make him seem cuter because of his awkwardness. I smiled and was about to say something but got cut off by Oikawa saying,

"Iwa-chan! Look at chibi-chan taking care of mad dog-chan!"

Since it had made you jump and yelp a little it made Iwazumi smack Oikawa and said captain recieved a glare from kyoutani as the spikey haired ace said,

"Shitikawa shut up!!"

The upset captain shouted back,

"Iwa-chan so mean! You'll never get a girlfriend like that!!"

Said boy gave him a glare and everyone saw Oikawa rub the back of his head and stick his tongue out.

"Ne ne I was just playing Iwa-chan!"

From across the court I heard Matsukawa say,

"Oh no the team mom and dad are fighting"

That made me snort slightly and cover my mouth with my hand, god these guys were such dorks. They had a break for about 10 minutes before they went back to practicing as I watched, they did a team against team  match. It was the first time I had gotten to watch a team match since I had become the manager. Kyoutani had finally gotten his turn to spike and nobody could stop his spike, it was so powerful once he hit it you couldn't keep track of it if you blinked.

-After practice-

The practice had been long and lasted longer then they had anticipated, so they helped me clean the gym before they started getting ready to leave. Since I knew they could've just all gone home but instead decided to help I wanted to let them know I appreciated it, as they all gathered up to leave since I was closest to the door I stopped and turned to them bowing and said,

"I want to thank all of you for working so hard today and staying behind a little longer to help me clean up! It means a lot that even though I have only been a manager since the beginning of the year!"

When I stood up straight I knew my face had a visible tint of pink on cheeks. The guys all had one simultaneous reaction of going slightly red and thinking,


It surprised me that they all bowed back and I heard them say,

"Thank you for being our manager and helping us flow! Its just the start of the year but we will win and we will make you proud!"

As the stood I was blushing faintly and smiled.

"Thank you all so much, I should let you get home now. I'll see you all tomorrow for the morning practice before school!"

Finally we all started to disperse and go on our way home. I had stupidly forgot to bring a jacket this morning because I remember thinking,

'Oh its warm out itll be fine!'

But now I was walking home in the dark alone and a little scared plus it was cold. So you can imagine how I almost screamed when there was a jacket wrapped around my shoulders. I managed to just let out a small yelp before looking to my side and seeing it was kyoutani, that made me relax.

"Oh thank god its you kyoutani"

He seemed a bit surprised and said,

"Was there someone causing you trouble before I came over?"

I shook my head and slipped my arms into the sleeves of kyoutani's jacket, it was his volleyball jacket, it was big on me.

"Ah n-no..I just got a little scared being out in the dark alone...but now you're here! So I don't need to be scared!" 

I couldn't see it now but the tips of his ears got red again but he spoke,

"Guess I can walk you home from now on, we don't need you being scared.."

I smiled happily and thanked him before walking to my house with him no longer scared, cold, or alone. So when we reached my porch I leaned up and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you kyoutani, you're a really sweet guy. I will be sure to watch you during games"

I smiled faintly and giggled a bit at his reaction before I went inside after we said our goodbyes.

Little did I know that the wild, untamed "mad dog" of aoba josai was walking home with the reddest face anyone probably could have. All because of you and these feelings he started to feel.

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