
I don't work on Sunday's, thankfully. It's been a... weird week and I honestly just need some time for myself. I decide to have a me day, since Alice can't join me. She was out the whole day, with her College friends. I didn't end up going to college. I wanted to be an author. Yes, it might not be a 'real' job, but it's my passion. I love to write. I have yet to publish a book, but one day, if all goes well, I will.

I'm trying so hard to write a book right now, but it's hard. I need... Inspiration. Some more... Experience with the world. That's one of the reasons why I'm me. I like to party, have a good time and gain experience with... Boys. Eventually I got sick of the boy part, so I decided to stop for a while. I might make a living out of my dad's money at the moment, but when I finish (or even start) my book, I'll be giving back.

I read 'Every day' by David Levithan. It's such an amazing book, with a unique plot. I want to write books that aren't the usual love story. Something like Every day. Beautifully corrupted love.

When I give up on ideas, I walk to the fridge, only to find it basically empty. Same with the pantry. I could not think in the morning with an empty stomach. Damn, we really needed to go grocery shopping. So much for me getting free grocery.

It was still 10:00 in the morning and I was currently dressed in sweat pants and a tank top. I had my hair in a ponytail too. I could not at all be bothered getting changed, so I just put on a hoodie and walk out the door with my phone, wallet, keys and ugg boots. Yes, uggs.

I drive into the nearest grocery, which should only be around 5 minutes away. Since this was New York, it was quite busy and took me four times that time. I walk into the shops with a small shopping cart. I get all the things I need, buying a chip or two on the way.

I walk through the deodorant, bathroom essentials, medicine etc section. That's when I see him. Mr Sex-Bomb. My eyes widen as I freeze. Fuck, I hope he doesn't turn around and look at me right now. He was dressed in black skinny jeans, a normal top with a plain black blazer and a beanie. How very strange for someone like him. From what I can see, he was trying to decide which... Toothpaste he was going to get. Wow, I never thought I'd see him here. He grabs the Colgate toothpaste.

I slowly start backing away, but as I do, he slowly starts turning his attention to him. Shit, I'm not ever wearing makeup!

"Miss Wood?" He looks at me in shock. Do I look that bad without makeup?

I sigh and push my cart past him, but as I do, he grabs my waist, stopping me.

"Slow down there, babe," he tells me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask questioned.

He raises his hand he held the toothpaste with. "The person who usually buys my shit is... having problems," he explains. Of course he got someone to do his grocery and buy him stuff.

"And, my publicist wanted me to grab a... particular magazine. He's pretty pissed," he explains.


He walks to the magazine section which was only an aisle away and comes back with a Celeb Gossmagazine. Phew, for a second there, I thought it was from StarShine magazine. I would've killed Alice.

The front cover was of... Me? And Mr Styles?

It was of me slapping him in the face, and some other small photos of us sitting down, and me with my hands on his grouch. Shit. Fuck. Fuck my life. I gasp as I see it.

"Oh no," I say, shaking my head.

Mr Styles laughs. "Don't worry, I've had worse. But my publicist is pissed," he tells me.

"Yeah no shit, I would be too. Heck, I am pissed! Harry, what is this?"

"A magazine article, about us..." he says slowly.

He flips through the pages and once he gets to the page he was looking for, he hands it to me.

I take it out of his hands and read.

Mr Styles. No surprise we're writing yet another article about the sexy CEO. He's a multimillionaire who owns one of the richest, if not THE richest enterprise in America.

Last night, he was spotted with a very appealing young brunette, who is yet to be named. This isn't like those... Other articles we usually write about, though. She seemed quite annoyed and pissed at the CEO. She couldn't stand him so much that she actually had the courage to slap his gorgeous face! Wow, he must've done some bad stuff for that to happen.

We all know that Mr Styles has a way with women, but a brunette? What's got him to change his mind? She obviously isn't very fond of him. Wow, that's a first. Everyone ADORES Mr Styles, no matter how bad the situation is.

Sources say she was yelling at the CEO. We wonder what he's done this time. Got her pregnant maybe? Broke her heart? Tell us what you think on our website: CelebGoss.com

I furiously shake my head.

"How can you be so chill about this!?" I try to contain my voice. "Because I'm used to being the talk of the town," he says so casually. "But again, my publicist is pissed. Apparently they're trying to get me to stay out of the media for a bit, but that didn't work so well, didn't it," he continues.

"Look. I'm really not fond of this whole thing, so please, stop showing up wherever I am!" I tell him.

He glares into my eyes with his beautiful green ones.

"Do you believe in fate?" he questions, out of nowhere.

"W-what?" I shudder.

"Fate. Do you believe it?" he asks again

I pause for a bit and reply. "I-I don't know."

He smirks at me. "I do," then walks off.


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