Lucy (based on the song Lucy by skillet)

Start from the beginning

A smile so big erupted on your face that I thaught it would break.We slowdanced in our room in silence while you smiled and cried.I wiped your tears of and kissed you.The world stopped at that time.It was only me and you.

After our slowdance we went to your parents place.There we ate lunch and relaxed in your old garden.

When we returned home we watched a comedy which we both liked.After that I told you that I had another gift prepared for you."It's already enough Michael.I don't need another present."you told me.

"But you need this one.If not in what you come to dinner?" I teased you.

"Dinner?" your confused face was so cute.I still can't believe that I made that dissapear.

"Yes,now go and get dressed.The dress is on our bed."

An hour later...

"Lucy,are you ready?I'm not gonna wait for you forever you know?"I can't believe that at that time I took something special like you for granted.

"I'm coming,just wait up for a bit!"She came down in the red dress that looked stunning on her."Shall we go then?"I took her arm and she smiled and nodded.We went to our favourite restaurant and ate your favourite meal,pasta.You smiled and fooled around,little did I know that,that would be the last time I would see you smile,ever.

We were enjoying each others company and suddenly my phone buzzed.I looked at it and my stomach felt like it had just exploded.Nate my brother sent a message to me.We were involved with drugs at that time,yeah I know it was wrong but we were already too hooked.Now that I think about it that thing can only bring misfortune.I hate myself for doing what I did but I told you to go home because the people from work needed me.I apologized,not nearly enough tough.Not enough for being the reason you died.

The meeting was very bad.They thought that we betrayed them and we managed to get away but they told us they would get the most important things to us.I just didn't think you could ever be that thing.Not that you weren't my most important thing but I couldn't imagine you being taken from me.

That night you didn't come home.Of course I was worried but never did I imagine the thing that happened.

The next morning I woke up without you next to me.I ate breakfast and waited for you,and waited,but you never came.

Around noon John came to my house he looked like a train had hit him."What's wrong John?What happened?"He told me you were dead.I just laughed in his face.Told myself that it wasn't possible.

He took me to see you.I saw your dead body and I froze in place,I could hear someone calling me.I just couldn't believe.I got a message from the drug dealers telling me if I liked my surprise.I knew then and there that it was all my fault.


"This past year I tried to kill myself so many times I lost count,but everytime your face came into my mind.I could see that you would be dissapointed with me.I had nightmares for the longest time about the way they killed you.I would wake up screaming and sweating then I would cry.I know you never saw me cry but you are the only reason I would cry."

"I just want to see you again,to hug you,to see your smile.I can't stand life without you.Your person made me be who I was ,now I'm all broken in pieces.I just want to die ,it was all my fault,I was so stupid to let you go and for what ,some drugs that brought misfortune???"

I started crying wishing for a second chance.I had destroyed my only joy in life.I could try blaming those people,I could try blaming Nate for introducing me to them but in truth I was to blame.If I stayed strong and refused those drugs she would still be here.

"I can't stand this life anymore the guilt is making me die from the inside.That warm embrace that you gave me every time I came home.That smile that lighted up my world for those three years of my life.I would give the world to have you next to me again.Please come back! I'll do anything!Please God give her back,I promise I'll apreciate her this time.I promise I'll keep my promise just give me a second chance!"I screamed at the sky.I knew she wouldn't come who would come back to a jerk like me?

I just stood there with my head in my hands and cried my eyes out.Suddenly I could feel her warmth around me.I didn't look up fearing that she wasn't really there,I just stood there and finally said:"Please forgive me,come back I still love you,please.."the last part was just a whisper.I felt your lips touching mine.I missed that connection.I knew they were yours because they felt just perfect in mine,but they felt colder.Suddenly her warmth was gone."Just when I was thinking that you forgave me.I really am stupid..."I said barely above a whisper.

I felt her hand patting my head a sign that she forgave me.Like she always did.I looked upwards and found her smiling at me then when I blinked she was gone.I felt like a part of me was gone.

But she forgave me.That was more than enough.I would always miss her,everything about her even our little fights."Thank you."It was the only words I could say.I felt more depressed than ever but in a way I was happy that she forgave me.At least one of us could.I still couldn't live with myself,but they were my mistakes and I had to live with them.

I got myself of the ground,kissed her gravestone and lingered for some time just staring at the sunset.After that I just made my way to our car and got home.That night when I got in our empty bed I felt her presence for the last time.In my dream we made up and you told me you had to go to heaven and that you would wait for me there.


So that was it I just hope you like it and like the song as much as I do.I just feel so sad when I hear it and I confess,I was on the verge of tears when I wrote this.I'm sorry for any mistakes.Have a great day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2013 ⏰

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