After getting my heart and breathing under control and realizing this was about Nautica, I rose to my feet and stepped in my boxers, pissed that my gun was lying on the kitchen counter instead of being accessible.

"Nigga, what the fuck? I know you ain't just shoot the lock off my shit!"

"Hell yeah I did. I couldn't wait to get over here and see with my own damn eyes. And seeing how ain't a condom wrapper nowhere in sight, I think a congratulations is in order for you my nigga. Though, with the way Nautica has always been set up, there could be other contenders."

The fuck. Looking over at Nautica, you could see in her face that she knew she'd fucked up. She was pregnant? I knew something had been different with her body. Her pussy had been extra kill.

"Ky, please," Nautica pleaded after getting my shirt over her head. "I was just"-

"You what? Still trying to stick to the bull shit story you're trying to feed me about carry my kid?"

"I-This is your baby Ky, but what the fuck did you expect? You lock me up in that small ass apartment, won't answer my calls, and stay up that bitch's ass but expect me to just sit around?"

"I expect you not to be out here fucking if your claiming to be pregnant by me! Raw at that. You're lucky as fuck that I don't think this is my baby, yo! But until that shit can be proven, get your shit and lets fuckin go. I got all this shit going on and the last damn thing I want to worry about is you getting into some shit."

Nautica started moving like somebody had flipped the on switch on her ass and went to go collect her things. I don't know why, but that shit pissed me off to the max. This nigga said jump and she couldn't wait to get the tape measure out to make sure she did it exactly how high the nigga asked her to. Why the fuck couldn't I get that shit?

"Na, nigga she ain't gotta go nowhere," I spoke up, but should have kept my mouth closed.

Nautica had dressed in her own clothes in record time and was putting on her shoes but my pride wasn't letting her walk out without a fight. Deep down, I knew she'd be back. This nigga didn't want her, wasn't interested in treating her the way she needed to be treated.

"Nautica you ain't gotta go. Fuck this nigga. You pregnant. We both already know its mine. This nigga don't want you."

I was being harsh because I was tired of this damn cycle. I loved Nautica and I wanted to be her man, not just some dick she fucked with on the side whenever she felt like it. I needed her. Shit, I was going through possible suicide just to get a hold of what it will take to keep a woman like her in my life. Money.

"Aww...look at this shit!" Ky chuckled as Nautica stared at the ground, not even looking at me. "Nigga said he willing to wife a hoe. I commend you my nigga, I really do, but until its proven that that ain't my shorty, you can save all that captain save a hoe shit for later."

Turning to Nautica, he said, "I got shit I gotta do. So, we out."

"Nautica don't do this," I begged, again against my better judgment.

Ky was on his way toward the door with Nautica right behind him, but I couldn't let her walk out. I wish like hell I had though.

Pausing in the open doorway, Ky looked down on the floor. At first, I didn't know what the hell had him stuck, but as soon as I registered what he was looking at, my eyes grew wide.

"The fuck!" he spat.

Picking up the vomit stained Batman shirt that I was supposed to wash in the laundry room before tomorrow night, Ky's face literally turned a cherry red. Before I could even blink, Ky had his gun trained on me and the next thing I knew, a shooting pain went through one of my knee caps.



Dropping to the floor, I grabbed a hold of my knee, which was leaking a good amount of blood already.

"Thats my damn nephew's shirt!" Ky hollered as he looked down on me but all I saw was a blur. I was in so much damn pain. "The same damn shirt he was wearing when he got snatched."

Letting off another shot, Ky put one in my thigh.



"Where the fuck is he?" Ky asked, getting in my face.

"Aww shiiitt!" I cried out when he stepped on the wound on my leg, baring his weight.

"Answer my question! Where the fuck he at, huh?"

Walking off, Ky did a search of my apartment while Nautica cowered in the corner. She looked scared as fuck and all I wanted to do was comfort her but I couldn't even stand up.

"Naut-Nautica...get the gun....the gun...the kitchen..."

"This gun?" Ky asked as he came back in the room and stormed into the kitchen, coming back with the 0.45 I had on the counter.

"It's over for you nigga! You might as well kiss this piece of shit life of yours goodbye because it's a fuckin wrap for you! You still have a chance to save the kid you feel is yours though."



"No!!!!"" I cried out after watching Nautica hit the floor holding her arm. "Nautica! Nautica!"

"Stop all that fuckin screaming! It's just a flesh wound. She'll be straight, so long as you tell me what the fuck I want to know. Where the fuck is JJ?"

Taking a minute, I weighed my options in my head. My time was undoubtedly up. The second I gave up where Mackey and Rhodes were, Ky was putting a bullet through my skull. I knew it. 

 I felt like shit for what I was about to do, but Nautica was pregnant with my seed. I had a strong feeling and if I wasn't going to live the rest of this life, than my kid would.


"Ahhhhh! Please!" Nautica shrieked as Ky let off another bullet, this one in her leg.

"Aight! Aight! I'll tell you!"

Once Ky had the address, just like I knew he would, he aimed the gun at my chest.

"And who the fuck put you up to this shit? I know your dumb ass ain't that smart. Who you working for?"

"Are you gon-gonna get her to a hospital? She's bleed"-

"Don't worry that bitch...the longer you take to tell me what I want to know, the more blood she gonna lose."

Nautica was curled up on the floor whimpering, barely looking like she was breathing. Shit scared me more than all the blood I had leaking out me and the unconsciousness that was begging to take over my body.

"What you say nigga?" Ky asked when the name he was looking for rolled off my dry lips.

Lowering himself down to my level, Ky still had his gun trained on me.

After mustering up the strength to speak, I repeated the name.

Ky let out a demonic sounding laugh and on God, that nigga's red tinged face looked evil as fuck.

"Rest in hell nigga," was the last thing I heard Ky say before I felt the hot lead dig into my chest.

To Be Continued 


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