HoriZ: Rom-Com

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Z had invited Hori over to study with him at his house. However, he had not been lenient with storing away his personal items, and she ended up sniffing out some rather...dark browsing history. Even though the two were giving a second try at dating, he certainly didn't need her discovering his hidden shame. Best to try to direct her back to the reason they came here.

"Er...Hori~san..." he said hesitantly. "You came over to study for midterms, right?"

"Study, my a**!" she hissed, slamming the laptop lid down. "You were thinking about THIS all along?!"

"Wha-?! No I-! Uh...I mean...that's not entirely true. This was just a boredom buster, is all. Nothing more,"

"Some boredom buster. Honestly, and to think I thought you were actually decent on the inside..."

"Hey, I'm entitled to have impulses like this! Every human being is! Lay off!"

Hori gave a frustrated growl, then shoved Z's laptop aside and lay backwards on his bed. "W-Well, why don't you just do it if you're so desperate!" she huffed, her eyes closed and her face red. 

That left Z both confused and startled. This study session had really taken an awkward turn. "I-Isn't it a little early for that?" he protested. "I mean we haven't even kissed yet, so I don't really know--"

"Only because you've never set the mood," the pink-haired girl sniffed.

"You've never given me a reason to! Seriously, this is a bad idea, and I should know--"

"You scared, punk?"

That washed away Z's common sense in a flash. Nothing would get him to do something more than an insult to his pride. "W-Wha-?! I am Pixel Znimation, proud president of the Nordosten High Animation club!" he declared. "I'm not scared of s**t!"

"Then bring it, I'll make a meal out of your neck," Hori challenged back. 

Z gulped, but nervously advanced on her. "A-Alright then."

Feeling slightly foolish, Z climbed on top of Hori, staring at her maroon face. Unable to make out his next move, he faced away from her awkwardly, then cautiously looked back. She had also broken eye contact from him and had her eyes shut, waiting for him to make the first move.

"Well...this will probably be easier if I get rid of her cardigan. I can do that, can't I?" he asked himself. "Alright, here goes!" 

Forcing himself not to feel like a creep, Z steadily reached for the first button on Hori's cardigan, ready to undo it when she turned back to face him, looking confused. "Uh...we haven't kissed yet."

In a panic, the two nearly sprang away fro each other. Hori covered her face, already regretting pointing out Z's apparent mistake. "W-Wait, never mind, forget I said that!" she squeaked. 

"No, no, you're right, do it in order!" Z agreed. He turned back to Hori, who had closed her eyes again, but hadn't turned her head away this time. "What are people supposed to do in this situation anyways?"

As Z slowly lowered his face towards hers, a rush of thoughts raced through his head. "Oh man, does my breath stink? My lips aren't chapped, right? I'm not sweaty, am I? What underwear did I put on this morning? What if I fart? Crap, I should've shaved my armpits before I left for school!"

The worries became too much for Z to bear, so he lifted himself up and off of Hori. "Sorry, gotta pee."

"You went to the bathroom 5 minutes earlier!" she snapped, sitting up. "Quit trying to escape!" 

"Why are you so desperate to kickstart this anyways?! I mean, you're not supposed to rush into this stuff..."

"Oh shut it, you baka. It's not like I JUST want to kiss. I mean, I want to get to know you more, get closer to you, y'know?"

Hori then took her cardigan off herself, leaving her brown blouse. "Also...I feel like you deserved this from me after I rejected you the first time...it's the least I can do." 

Z thought about this for a moment, knowing she had a point. "But still, is this the way to go about 'getting closer?' Doesn't feel right..."

However, Hori seemed to have sold his outer self, and he found himself leaning over her again. "Hey, Z~kun...?"


"I love you,"

"Yeah...I love you too, Hori~san,"

Hori then puckered her lips slightly, awaiting Z's kiss as he leaned closer to her face to deliver it. Just then, when they were mere inches from one another, Z's mother opened the door.

"Hello, Z, I brought snacks for you and Hori~cha--"

She stopped mid-sentence and looked away, smiling knowingly and blushing. "Oh, pardon me. I'll leave the snacks on your dresser. Have some when you're done." She then shut the door and walked down the hallway. "Papa, don't go upstairs to Z's room right now!"

Z felt a drop of embarrassed sweat roll down his face. "Sorry about that..."

"Nah. My family's like that too," Hori assured him. 

"Um...can we keep going?"

"Yeah...let's do that."

The two were not any closer to kissing for real when Z's mom poked her head back through the door again. "Did you take the pill? Need to borrow mine?"



Not too far off, Caramel was tapping her foot, waiting for Nitroz to come outside so that they could return to her house for their hangout when she heard a faint scream. "Hm? What the heck is that noise?" 

Requested by NoahAtlantis
That, Caramel, is the mating call of a PixelZnimation, except this is the noise he makes when he has trouble with said mating. XD Anyways, Ik this came a LITTLE too close to crossing the 14+ line, but to be fair, these guys are a real couple, and they're pretty much the craziest couple I know. 0% shame, 100% awesome. Also, I got this scene from an anime I really like called "Tsurezure Children" which is ALL ABOUT SHIPS. Anyways...time to get a start on the next one. And, aside from this one coming from Noah again, I got...specifics from another user. So, prepare yourself, this is gonna get nutz.

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