"What? I explained to you-" she starts off.

"Yeah, that you were on crack and didn't mean to do anything. But I heard that when your all high, you can tell the truth. Good-Bye Madison" he spats.

She stomps off growling and I laugh while clapping.

"Good job" I smile at him. He shrugs and I hand him his clothes. I go back out in the waiting room and wait till he comes out. About 5 minutes later he came out.

The old Matt, with Vans, khakis, and a tank top.

Unfortunately he still had a cast around his arm, but his leg recovered.

"So, Starbucks?" I ask. He smiles and nods.

Matt POV:

I hate being in this cast. I can literally do nothing!

As we walked into Starbucks, Andy ordered a vanilla bean frap and i ordered a caramel frap.

We sat down as we waited for our names to be called.

She rested her head on the side of my arm. I bet she's really tired...

"Andrea and Matthew!" Yelled the worker. We go and get our drinks, then sit down and take a few sips of our drinks in silence.

"So, are you gonna tell me anything?" She asks. "Right, so I guess I should start from the beginning..." I sigh.

"Begin" she assures.

"Okay, so the first day I met you, I thought you were a really sweet and nice fan. But then after we got to know each other, at the party for example, I began to like you. But I was going out with the yucky girl so it didn't feel right. But then I discovered that I didn't really even like her. I liked you. But I couldn't go out with you, because your a fan. But it's not for the reason you think. I only don't want to because I want to keep you safe from all the fans, all the girls who-" I say but get cut off. Way to cut my vibe, Jezus.

"Matt, why are you worrying about me getting hurt by your fans, when I was and will always be one?" She asks.

"I understand that, but there are some girls that you need to look out for" I warn. "Matt, I know. I have a twitter, I have an Instagram, I have a YouTube, I have Internet friends that always blab about you guys. Don't worry about me. I love that you do, but I can take care of myself" she smiles.

"But-" she cuts me off. "Matt" she says. "Fine" I give up.

"So hey, you never answered my question" I say. "What question?" She asks. "Was I really your first kiss?" I ask.

I was actually really curious, cause she actually kissed nicely. If that makes since...

Pink rose onto her cheeks as those words slip out of my mouth.

"Um, yeah. It was." She says and covers her face.

"Don't cover your face! It's cute when you blush!" I say. "Noo" she laughs.

"Hey Andy, have you had your second kiss yet?" I ask. "No?" She says. I lean over the table and lift her chin slightly. "Well now you will" I say and smash my lips onto hers. Honestly whoever I kissed, It felt the same basic way. But when I kiss Andy, well, it's like we're flying and we're the only two around, with no one watching and fireworks exploding everywhere, it's like a spark runs through my body whenever she touches me.

"Andrea read your cup" i say.

"Andy, will you please be my girlfriend?" She read.

She looked at me, back at the cup, then back at me.

"Of course!" She smiles and hugs me.

We separate from the hug and we deeply look into each others eyes. Her light brown almost hazel eyes were so beautiful, and bright.

She kissed my cheek.

"The boys don't know your coming out today, wanna surprise them?" She asks. "Oh my gosh yes!" I agree.

She laughs and helps me with my stuff.

Did you guys know that being in a cast makes you fuckin worthless like damn.

I get in the car, passenger seat, since I can't drive.

We sang along to The Way, that happened to be on the radio.

"Oh god we sound like dying seals" she laughs.

She gets her phone out and record us screeching along with Ariana Grande's voice. "This is going on vine" she giggles.

She uploads it and gets back to driving. "Hey, missy, you could get in trouble for using your phone while driving" I snicker.

"Oh yeah, well you can get in trouble for being such a smart ass" she laughed. "Oh yeah, by who?" I ask. "By me" she shrugged. "I'm scared, should I be scared?!" I ask.


Andrea POV:

We arrive to the house, where all the guys were. I help Matt out of the car and we get up to the font door. He and I casually walk in waiting for them to notice. Except all of them were on their phones...

Carter was about take a selfie when he looked up at me.

"Do you mind? I'm trying to take a selfie here" he sasses. "Oh I'm sorry" I apologize sarcastically. "Guys I'm going to the kitchen" I say. "Kay" they all answer.

"By the way I think some pizza was delivered, it's outside" I joke. All their heads pop up.

Matt came from behind me and screamed, "I'm back!", really, really, loud.

"Machuuuu!" Yelled Carter. "Cartahhhh!" He yelled back.

I smile at their weirdness as all of them give Matt a welcome back hug.

"Andy, come here for a sec" says Matt. "Okay?" I say. I go over and he leans down and kisses me.

A very unexpected kiss.

"What the fuck. Please don't start screaming again!" Said Nash as he covered his ears.

Awe, I think we traumatized him...

"We're officially a couple, no more screaming" chuckled Matt. "Oh thank goodness" sighed Cam. "You finally made your move! See

I told you he liked you" said Nash.

"Yeah yeah" I blush and cover my face against Matt's shoulder.

"Where's Mahogany?" I ask.

"Outside with Jacob" says Aaron.

"Okay, I'm gonna go say hi, I'll be right back" I smile.


Hey ❤

So I'm really happy this has over 30 reads! Could it go to 40?

Also, don't forget to comment! I'd love to hear your feedback!✨

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I think that's it...

Oh yeah, I'm doing a Q&A for every update I do, so be ready, starting next update 😘

Okay goodbye loves,


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