Chap 1 "Hawaii Set"

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Belle's POV
My partner and I were working on a scene for our show. Everything was smooth sailing until he lost his footing; causing me to drop. I managed to catch myself before I face planted the stage floor. "Okay, Chad," I sighed as I stood up. "I think that's enough for today."
"Belle, I can do this," Chad sighed as he sat up. "I know I can."
"And I believe you can too," I looked at him. "Adagio has to be fun, but you can't overwork yourself."
"Okay," Chad nodded. "How do you do this at every rehearsal?"
"A flyer uses their core to engage every stunt," I explained. "Most of the dependency is on the base. I want to be able to trust you without asking if you're good every single time."
"Belle," my director walked in with a guy. "This man needs to speak with you."
"Bob, can this wait?" I asked. "I'm trying to teach Chad about adagio."
"What this man needs you for is far more important," Bob sighed. "Please, just go with him."
"Fine," I sighed. I showed him to my office. "What is so important that I had to stop teaching?"
"I am with the FBI. A couple days ago, we noticed you talking to Commander Steve McGarrett of the Five-O taskforce out of Hawaii," Morgan stated. "This was after you talked to us. Is this something you remember?"
"I remember the seminar, but I don't remember you."
"My colleagues, JJ and Dr. Spencer Reid."
"JJ was sweet when I asked questions. Dr. Reid kept talking about who knows what."
"He's an intellect," Morgan nodded.
"Why are you here?"
"I'm here on behalf of the FBI's BAU –"
"I understand that," I nodded.
"We wanted to hire you and move you out to Quantico as soon as possible."
"You're hoping you got to me before McGarrett, but you're too late."
"You got a job with Five-O already?"
"Only temporarily. He's allowing me to work for Five-O after I graduate. As a graduating student, I would like to walk the stage. I take that the FBI wouldn't allow me to walk." He nodded. "I'll take my chances with Five-O. So, if that's all you're offering, I think we're done."
"If you change your mind, give me a call," Morgan handed me his card and left.
"We'll see," I shrugged. I looked at the back of the card and there was his cell number. "I'll think about it." I cleared out my office and left my key on this desk. I closed the door and got my nameplate off the door. "Such a bittersweet moment." I got my box of stuff into my car and drove home. I lugged my box of things up to my apartment and got inside. I left the box by my closet door. "I think that's the last of it."
"You're stuff from the college?" Steve asked.
"Yeah," I nodded. He hugged me. "So...I got another job offer today."
"Who was it this time?" Steve asked. "DEA? CIA? NCIS?"
"FBI," I replied.
"You can try the job with them if you want."
"No, because I wanna be in Hawaii with you."
"Hey," Steve looked at my hands, changing the subject. "You're not wearing your ring."
"We've talked about this," I replied as I sat on the couch. "We didn't want anyone knowing until after graduation."
"I don't think we should hide it anymore."
"Okay" I sighed. I got the ring box from the glass cabinet and opened it. I put the ring on. "There we go."

"In a couple years, you'll be Mrs

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"In a couple years, you'll be Mrs. Steve McGarrett," Steve gave me a kiss. "For that, I am happy."
"No, before you segued your way onto our engagement, we were taking," I smiled. "I'm sticking to Hawaii with you. I'm not going anywhere."
"We've been together for four years. I think I can wait a little longer before we get married."
"This is the first time we won't be spending time away from each other anymore and I'm looking forward to that. I'm looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together after I graduate. I'm looking forward to the day we will officially be together for the rest of our lives."
"I love you," Steve smiled. I gave him a kiss. "So, the only thing we need to pack is the kitchen."
"Hun, I packed my whole bedroom, bathroom, and closet in two days," I replied. "I think you can pack the kitchen all by yourself." Graduation day came by. As soon as I got my diploma, Steve and I took our flight to Hawaii. We walked into his house and I took off my graduation gown. "Now that I'm officially graduated, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
"I would say welcome home, but I think that would be a mistake," Danny stated as he walked in with Grace. "I wanna know if I heard you right."
"Auntie Belle," Grace hugged me. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too, kiddo," I smiled as I hugged her. I looked at her. "You definitely are grown up now." She smiled. "But I promise you, I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying for good."
"Good," Grace smiled.
"Belle, did you say I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you to Steve?" Danny asked.
"Yeah," I nodded. He was confused. "You haven't told him?"
"No," Steve nodded.
"Tell me what?" Danny asked.
"Steve and I are getting married," I smiled as I hugged Steve. "And he had a special question to ask you."
"Should I ask him?" Steve asked. "It sounds he was a bit negative when he first heard you."
"Come on," I smiled. "Danny's been your best friend since Five-O first started. You don't have anyone else."
"We can fly Chin our here," Steve stated.
"Steve," I looked at him.
"Okay," Steve sighed. "Danny, when the time comes, I wanna know if you'd be my best man."
"Yeah, man, of course," Danny nodded. "Of course I'd be there for you. If I wasn't the best man, I wanna at least be the guy marrying you two."
"That's not gonna happen," I pointed.
"Why not?" Danny asked.
"Because I'd rather not let you marry Steve and I," I smiled.
"Auntie Belle, could I be the flower girl?" Grace asked.
"Of course," I replied. "Now, if you get taller, I'll make you a bridesmaid."
"Depends on when you're getting married," Danny sighed.
"Not for a while," Steve replied. "We're going to get her back on track with Five-O's schedule before we move things forward." His phone rang and he picked up. "McGarrett." He pointed at the drawer near the door. I got out my badge and gun. I had left them in the drawer the last time I was there. "We're on our way." He hung up. "Well, looks like you can't cook lunch."
"We gotta work," I nodded. "Let's go."
"I'm going to take Grace back to Rachel's, and I'll meet you guys there," Danny replied.
"That means we gotta take your truck," I looked at Steve.
"Yeah, let's go," Steve replied. We got into his car and he started driving. "We need to go buy you a car."
"And I have enough," I looked at Steve. I grabbed my phone and checked my bank accounts. "Yeah, I have more than enough, actually."
"Why?" Steve asked.
"Saving as well as budgeting," I replied. "I realized I might need my own undercover car here. Just like Chin and Kono did."
"Yeah, we hired two new members," Steve stated.
"Yeah?" I asked. "Uhm, who?"
"Remember Eddie?" Steve asked.
"You hired our dog?" I asked. "You hired our MWD to work for Five-O?"
"He's got skills," Steve replied. "He's been a great asset. Helped us take down a small drug ring that we didn't even know was going on."
"Then who's the second?"
"Junior," Steve sighed.
"Oh, he's cool I guess," I shrugged. "Just didn't really helped that you were housing him when I was around."
"Yeah," Steve nodded. We got to the hotel and went up to the room. "This doesn't look took great."
"Yeah," I sighed as I put on my gloves and looked around. "Steve, I think this may be our secondary crime scene."
"And you are correct," Noelani nodded. "Victim's body was dumped postmortem." I nodded. "Glad you have you back again, Belle."
"Glad to be back, Noelani" I smiled.
"So, we gotta find our primary crime scene," Steve crossed his arms.
"Shouldn't be too hard," I replied.
"What do you mean?" Steve asked.
"Well, there's a blood trail," I pointed. "It's pretty faint. Let's get Eddie out here and sniff out this trail."
"You got it," Steve smiled as he got out his phone.
"How are you a special agent and you're just starting out?" Noelani asked.
"I had an internship with the FBI," I smiled. "Steve thought it'll be cool to think of me as an FBI agent."
"I'll be back," Steve stated.
"Okay," I smiled. Steve left the room. "Ever since he's got me to come to Hawaii, he's been okay."
"What do you mean?" Noelani asked.
"Steve proposed when he went on break," I replied as I held up my left hand. "I'm the one he's been keeping a secret about."
"I kinda figured it was someone, but I never thought it'd be you," Noelani smiled as she stood up and looked at the ring. "That's a beautiful ring."
"Yeah," I nodded.
"Do you love him?" Noelani asked.
"I do," I replied as Steve walked back in. "Hey, is Eddie on his way?"
"Yeah," Steve nodded. "Junior's bringing him in."
"Great," I smiled. I looked at the scene more as Junior got there with Eddie. "Eddie, who's my good boy?" He barked as he walked up to me. "Good boy." I petted him. "Eddie, here." I pointed at the blood on the floor and he sniffed it. "Let's go." We followed Eddie down to the lobby and he stopped. There was puddle of dried blood in the parking garage. "Well, they were smart to take the car with them."
"So, we lost the killer?" Junior asked. I looked around. "That's just great."
"No," I smiled. I pointed at the cameras. "Search the surveillance feed."
"Where'd you find her?" Junior asked.
"Here," Steve replied.
"I came here for a graduation trip after high school," I smiled as Eddie sat next to my feet. "Steve and I met, and we've been in touch ever since."
"Four years together," Steve nodded. "Now she's my fiancée."
"Yep," I smiled. "You'll find someone, Junior."
"How do you know?" Junior asked.
"I found Steve, didn't I?" I asked. "And I'm not from here. I'm from –"
"The mainland," Steve hugged me. "I know you'll find someone. It might not be your high school sweetheart, but you'll find love again."
"That's sweet," I nodded as I looked at Steve. "And I hear you're opening a restaurant with Danny?"
"It's a hobby on the side," Steve kissed my head. "At least it's not drugs."
"And that's something I'm very happy about," I hugged him back. "So, are we going to check that footage or what?"
"Yeah, I can see why you two are great for each other," Junior stated as I walked off.
"I heard that," I replied. We went to the security room to go over the footage, except during the time the car entered and left, there was static. "Well, that's just great."
"Okay, so what do we know?" Steve asked.
"This guy is smart enough to cover his own tracks considering he was dumping a body," I sighed. "He left a trail of blood but tampered with the footage so we wouldn't know who he is." I looked at Steve. "I wanna say we lost this guy but he's going to dump the car he used to transport the body."

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