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"What's a soulmate?"

"It's like a best friend but more. It's the one person in the world who knows you better than anyone else, it's someone who makes you a better person."


In life, you have a soulmate. Someone who you share the rest of your life with. Someone who understands you, cherishes you, and loves you for you.

At midnight of your 18th birthday, a little drawing pops up somewhere on your skin. It's in the exact same location as your soulmate's. That drawing is unique to you and your soulmate. Some are lucky, and get very detailed "soulmarks," as they're called, while others aren't so lucky, and get something less detailed, making it harder to find your soulmate.

Either way, they're there. They were chosen for you because your souls intertwine perfectly.

Once you begin your relationship with your soulmate, your soulmark will glow twice, letting you know you found them. Once you get married, your soulmark disappears, and it won't appear again for the rest of your life.


Nate Macauley was never one to believe in soulmates. All his life he thought it was bullshit.

Up until he met her.


All her life, Bronwyn Rojas dreamt of finding her soulmate. He would be the perfect Prince Charming and they would live happily ever after.

Unfortunately for her, the boy in the leather jacket riding the motorcycle was far from that.

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