Chapter 1- Meet our Heroin

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I couldn't stand the silence.

I just hated it when it was quiet. There always had to be some kind of noise in the background for me to feel relaxed. Whether it be music, the sound of chatter and laughter, the television, it was much better than listening to my thoughts.

"And so I'll read a book, or maybe two or three."

I still wasn't quite used to living alone.

It wasn't that I was lonely, or anything, it's just that without other people around, everything felt so big and powerful, and I just felt so small. It was a strange feeling, knowing that nobody was watching me, and I could quite literally do whatever I want. It kind of felt like a huge scam.

Humming along to the Tangled soundtrack, I started brushing my teeth trying to furiously dry my hair while I was at it.

"I'll add a few more paintings to my gallery."

I was still tired. I couldn't really sleep the night before because I was kind of nervous about today, and I thought singing might help me get my energy up. Besides, nobody was around to tell me to stop, so why would I?

Making sure my hair was fully dry, I tied as much of it as I could back into a ponytail and started to triple check my suitcase for what felt like the fifth time. I couldn't explain it, but I just felt like I forgot something, yet there everything was.

"I'll play guitar and knit and cook and basically."

As if on cue, my phone began to ring, and I glanced at the caller ID and cleared my throat before picking up.

"Just wonder when will my life begin?"

"Your voice is mid, do better!" She yelled. There was some shuffle before she spoke again, "Where are you? I thought we decided to meet up early to talk before we left!"

All my internal organs collapsed.

"What? But- But there's loads of time, I didn't forget!"

It's as if I heard her facepalm, "Check the time."

In a panic, I dropped my phone and yelled as I dove after it with Mina laughing at me in the background. I frantically checked the time, questioning myself and thinking maybe I overslept, or I spent a little too long in the shower or something.

"Mina, it's ten to."


"I thought we agreed to meet at ten past?"

"Yeah, we agreed to meet at ten past eight, not nine!"

With that, I flew off into a cry of curses and tried to frantically rip all the clothes off my body. The more I tried to hurry, the more I got tangled in my clothes. Completely blinded, I tripped over something and fell to the floor with a yelp. I managed to wriggle out of my clothes and into something a little more presentable.

I grabbed my phone, which I only realised after was still on call and shoved it into my purse. I ran out of the door with my suitcase, and then ran back when I realised, I forgot to lock the door. I even took a picture of the doorknob just to reassure myself I didn't forget when I got to school.

The day started off great.


"Mina! Jiro! Sorry for being late!"

I was doubled over, panting because I had sprinted my way over from the bus stop. I had to stop a few times because my suitcase was being really difficult, and it would catch itself on uneven surfaces. I told my pavement I was sorry without thinking.

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